Revision history for Path-Tiny

0.004     2013-02-05 19:19:46 America/New_York


    - Added slurp_raw and other *_raw helper methods

    - Added realpath method (with thanks to ether)

    - Added canonpath method (with thanks to sjmiller)


    - slurp/lines/spew/append now do appropriate flocking

    - Fixed test that fails if run as root (bingos)

    - Fixed test that fails if cwd/getcwd don't agree


    - internal optimizations

0.003     2013-01-31 06:59:50 America/New_York


    - lstat was calling the wrong stat [ #83063]

    - make atomic writes thread-safe [ #83064]


    - updated bugtracker to point to github

0.002     2013-01-30 22:09:37 America/New_York


    - s/File::Stat/File::stat/; # OMG! I hate case insensitivity

0.001     2013-01-30 19:36:22 America/New_York

    - First release