Revision history for Path-Tiny
0.017 2013-03-28 16:49:15 America/New_York
- path() constructor now glob-expands tildes (~)
- Improved options validation; invalid options now throw errors
0.016 2013-03-26 14:59:36 America/New_York
- The iterator now has an optional recursive mode
- We no longer use autodie directly, but we throw our
own autodie::exceptions on error. This avoids the overhead
of wrapping built-ins with function calls.
- Most dependencies are now loaded on demand, reducing startup
0.015 2013-03-13 13:20:38 America/New_York
- touch and touchpath now return the object to allow easy chaining
with spew
0.014 2013-03-09 08:54:26 America/New_York
- parent now takes an optional argument to look upwards multiple
times in one call. e.g. $path->parent(2)
0.013 2013-02-22 10:58:05 America/New_York
- remove_tree now defaults to safe mode and will not attempt to chmod
and remove directories with insufficient permissions
- Temporary files and directories are always created with an
absolute path.
- Failures from autodie are reported from our caller's location
(as if we called croak()); bumped autodie prereq to 2.14 for
this feature
- Failures from mkpath and remove_tree are now trapped and
thrown as exceptions. (Making an existing path or removing
a non-existant path return false and are not errors);
0.012 2013-02-20 09:34:50 America/New_York
- The 'remove' function no longer works on directories. The new
'remove_tree' method should be used instead.
- path() now requires a defined, positive-length argument to keep you
safe from subtle bugs in your code that pass an undef or empty
argument to path suddenly having you operating in the current
- Added Path::Tiny->cwd as a constructor to give an absolute
path to the current working directory
- Added 'remove_tree' as a method for recursively removing
a directory
0.011 2013-02-19 11:08:44 America/New_York
- slurp/spew/etc and openr/openw/etc now repect default layers
set by -C or the open pragma
- spew and append can now be given array references to output
to avoid extra copying
0.010 2013-02-16 10:26:38 America/New_York
- The 'tempdir' and 'tempfile' methods can now both take either leading
templates or a TEMPLATE option, so you don't have to remember which
one File::Temp wants
0.009 2013-02-15 16:05:39 America/New_York
- Dropped use of '//' to allow Path::Tiny to run on Perl 5.008
0.008 2013-02-15 13:49:54 America/New_York
- Added 'touchpath' method combining 'mkpath' and 'touch'
0.007 2013-02-12 17:41:44 America/New_York
- Unicode::UTF8 0.58 is necessary for optional faster
Unicode processing
0.006 2013-02-11 13:22:18 America/New_York
- t/parent.t is amended to work on Windows
- new() now correctly takes multiple path arguments, like path()
0.005 2013-02-07 15:41:32 America/New_York
- Fixed test for platforms with /sbin symlinked to /usr/sbin
0.004 2013-02-05 19:19:46 America/New_York
- Added slurp_raw and other *_raw helper methods
- Added realpath method (with thanks to ether)
- Added canonpath method (with thanks to sjmiller)
- slurp/lines/spew/append now do appropriate flocking
- Fixed test that fails if run as root (bingos)
- Fixed test that fails if cwd/getcwd don't agree
- internal optimizations
0.003 2013-01-31 06:59:50 America/New_York
- lstat was calling the wrong stat [ #83063]
- make atomic writes thread-safe [ #83064]
- updated bugtracker to point to github
0.002 2013-01-30 22:09:37 America/New_York
- s/File::Stat/File::stat/; # OMG! I hate case insensitivity
0.001 2013-01-30 19:36:22 America/New_York
- First release