Revision history for Perl module Pod::WikiDoc
0.17 Tue Mar 20 08:37:24 EDT 2007
- forced numeric version comparison checks in 'Generated by' tests
(e.g. 0.17 should be considered equal to 0.170)
0.16 Mon Dec 4 10:18:48 EST 2006
- added support for parsing inside parentheses (~foo~)
- fixed dependency lists in Makefile.PL and removed from Pod
0.15 Sun Jun 11 01:25:20 EDT 2006
- fixed up version numbering across generated modules
0.14 Sun Jun 11 00:41:31 EDT 2006
- added keyword expansion (e.g. %%VERSION%% )
- added keyword definition options to wikidoc program
- added no_index recipe to Cookbook for extra documentation files
- added pod/pod-coverage tests
0.13 Mon Feb 6 22:52:16 EST 2006
- Created custom Makefile.PL
- Shifted parser compilation from build cycle back to distribution
creation (less burden on end-user)
0.12 Sat Sep 24 09:17:56 EDT 2005
- Removed Makefile.PL and using Build.PL only as the Makefile can't
support the dynamic build and doc process and users installing with it
would see failures
- Fixed dependency list in documentation
- Various documentation tweaks and clarifications
0.11 Fri Sep 23 17:16:13 EDT 2005
- Added Text::Balanced to Build.PL requires
- Fixed typo in package name in
- Tweaked doc phrasing for Pod::WikiDoc::Parser
- Appended grammar to Pod::WikiDoc::Parser Pod file
- Stubbed README (wasn't being generated properly)
0.10 Fri Sep 23 09:46:42 EDT 2005
- basic wikidoc format section extraction
- basic block formatting (header, paragraph, verbatim, lists)
- basic inline formattting (bold, italic, link, code)
- link formatting with or without link text
- special symbols "<>|/" automatically escaped in generated Pod
- format nesting
- wikidoc comment-blocks ("### " indicates wikidoc)