Revision history for Test-DiagINC

0.004     2014-02-10 13:02:39-05:00 America/New_York


    - Localizes more %ENV vars to work under taint mode

0.003     2014-02-07 12:54:54-05:00 America/New_York


    - More robust error condition detection - now triggers on failures
      in END-block-based test modules (e.g. Test::NoWarnings)
    - Add diagnostic of "Attempted-but-failed-to-load" on perl >= 5.10
    - Minimize amount of reported modules: anything Test::DiagINC loads
      in order to compile the report is excluded
    - No longr chdir() during the local-library heuristic
    - No non-core runtime dependencies, add 5.6 support

0.002     2014-02-04 22:17:58-05:00 America/New_York


    - Will not report modules loaded from below the current directory
      (suggested by Peter Rabbitson)

0.001     2014-02-04 15:12:52-05:00 America/New_York

    - First release