Revision history for Perl module Test::Number::Delta
1.05 2014-11-24 11:08:11-05:00 America/New_York
- relative comparison of array reference elements now works as intended
- diagnostics of delta_not_ok and delta_not_within clarified under
relative comparison
1.04 2013-11-20 18:43:32 America/New_York
- Modernized distribution metadata and licensing
- Distribution now managed with Dist::Zilla
1.03 Sun Sep 3 03:21:59 EDT 2006
- fixed logic errors for delta_not_*
- changed epsilon restriction to just non-zero; negative epsilons are
the same as positive
1.02 Tue Aug 29 05:37:53 EDT 2006
- added error checking to ensure that values of epsilon are always positive
- added delta_not_within() and delta_not_ok() for inequality checking
1.01 Thu Jul 27 11:34:29 EDT 2006
- changed comparison to less than epsilon, as checking "equal to"
epsilon is, of course, not robust for floating point numbers
1.00 Tue Jul 25 18:19:51 EDT 2006
- bumped version to 1.00 to indicate "release" status
- added support for comparing arrays or matrices
- bumped Test::Builder dependency to match my installed version
0.18 Sun Feb 5 06:48:15 EST 2006
- removed Test::Exception as dependency
- restored pod/pod-coverage tests as optional (skipped by default)
- edited Pod for bugs/license tests
- removed 5.006 syntax (warnings!) from test files
0.17 Mon Aug 1 10:55:13 EDT 2005
- build_requires moved to requires to workaround CPANPLUS bug
0.16 Thu Jun 9 15:55:03 EDT 2005
- removed pod/podcoverage testing to minimize dependencies
0.15 Tue Jun 7 17:46:36 EDT 2005
- updated Build.PL for dependencies and traditional makefiles
0.14 Tue Mar 8 22:43:31 EST 2005
- added pod and pod coverage testing
0.13 Wed Feb 2 22:06:56 EST 2005
- added ability to pass through a test plan
- added a parameter to specify that the default epsilon for delta_ok
should be relative to the size of the arguments
- updated pod in several areas for clarity and consistency
0.12 Mon Jan 24 23:45:21 EST 2005
- pod fix
- Build.PL cleanup
0.11 Tue Jan 4 00:01:20 EST 2005
- renamed to Test::Number::Delta
- renamed cmp_float() to delta_ok()
- added delta_within()
- added extra decimal place to numbers under comparison when printing
0.10 Sun Dec 26 14:18:36 EST 2004
- initial release as Test::Float
0.01 Sun Dec 26 13:12:10 2004
- original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::TT