1.9       2013-10-09 12:10:59 Europe/London
- allow calling send_transactional instead of send on the STOMP
- dump dependency on Net::Stomp::MooseHelpers to avoid problems with
  send_transactional and TraceOnly
- clarify relationship between send_transactional and

1.8       2013-01-07 16:36:32 Europe/London
- Net::Stomp::Producer::Transactional for transaction-like behaviour
  (begin/commit/rollback, fully re-entrant)

1.7       2012-12-06 10:02:52 Europe/London
- fix tests under perl 5.18

1.6       2012-10-24 15:32:49 Europe/London
- prevent transformers from easily clobbering ->transformer_args

1.5       2012-10-19 17:02:22 Europe/London
- avoid localising $@, this may have been the cause of "false
  exception caught" on some testers machines

1.4       2012-09-05 12:52:12 Europe/London
- make validation actually work

1.3       2012-09-03 11:36:18 Europe/London
- compatibility with Net::Stomp::MooseHelpers 1.3

1.2       2012-08-02 15:37:01 Europe/London
- allow splitting transforming from sending

1.1       2012-07-10 12:31:10 Europe/London
- use the new ReconnectOnFailure role from Net::Stomp::MooseHelpers
- calling ->connect() does not warn anymore, it's just a silent no-op

1.001     2012-03-28 12:37:38 Europe/London
- fix failing tests due to exception handling on perl < 5.14

1.0       2012-03-27 12:36:33 Europe/London
- first non-devel release

0.1_01    2012-03-14 12:05:49 Europe/London
- Initial release