Revision history for Alien-GvaScript
1.44 20.08.2014
- fixes #98172 in POD documentation (DOLMEN++)
1.43 27.09.2013
- autoCompleter: choiceList scrolls so that the current value is visible
- autoCompleter: ping event updates the current value
- ajax tests use port 8085 instead of 8081
1.42 03.03.2013
- fixed Pod bug in Form.pod (caused test failure with Pod::Simple v3.26
1.41 20.08.2011
- html doc generation : fix path to scripts
- removed accented chars in .js files (avoid probl. with application/script
in Firefox
1.40 11.08.2011
- specify POD =encoding so that new Pod::Simple is happy
- upgrade to prototype.js v1.7
1.21 18.01.2010
- bug in Builder, Gvascript.js was written to wrong location
1.20 07.01.2009
- Element.autoScroll : fix scroll amount when the scrolling block has
an offsetTop > 0
- removed PAGE_UP/DOWN handlers in TreeNavigator -- let the browser deal
with those
- treeNavigator select() has an additional param "prevent_autoscroll"
- treeNavigator autoscroll only active through kbd, not through click
- treeNavigator observes "mouseup" (instead of mousedown or click)
- autoCompleter bug fix on detach (stop observing "click")
- protoExtensions : removed RegExp.escape() (now in prototype.js)
- autoCompleter div, display above only if enough vertical space
- autoCompleter : code layout improvements
1.18 13.10.2009
- fix some minor doc glitches released in 1.17
1.17 13.10.2009
- major revision from Mona Remlawi
- new Grid component
- new CustomButtons component
- new Paginator component
- new test suite
- added Seb in author list
- repeat: ix starts at 0, count starts at 1
fix bug in removing "repeat" attrs
both add() and remove() methods
- many updates in doc
- new option noPingOnFirstClick
- new option treeTabIndex
- by default, tree element gets tabIndex 0
- better focus management when quick navigation through keys
- doubleClick handler
- up/down at end of tree falls back to default navigator behaviour
- new option choiceItemTagName
- multivalued
- click handler on drowpdown lists
- new options :
- upgrade to prototype.js v1.6
- New components GvaScript.Repeat and GvaScript.Form
- at end of tree, arrowdown and arrowup come back to default behaviour
1.08 22.05.2007
- Event.stop() for keypad '*' and '-' in treeNavigator
1.07 02.05.2007
- autocompleter : support for "" in strict mode
1.06 22.04.2007
- fix strict mode when autoSuggest=false
1.05 18.04.2007
- fixes from Jean-Christophe (parentOffset, set_datasource)
1.04 06.04.2007
- bug fixes && refactoring some details in autocompleter
- added option ANTIREGEX in KeyMap
- added PAGE_UP/DOWN in choiceList and option scrollCount
1.03 01.04.2007
- added options caseSensitive in autoCompleter
- fixed bug in (dependendy on Pod:POM::View::HTML)
1.02 17.03.2007
- bug fix, typo in examples/treeNavigator/frames/toc.html
1.01 09.03.2007
- removed t/boilerplate.t, useless at this stage and failed on linux
1.00 08.03.2007
- First public release