Revision history for Perl extension File::Tabular.

0.01  Sun Jan  2 03:23:44 2005
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AX -n File::Tabular

0.60 25.02.2005 First CPAN release

0.61 26.02.2005 Removed old and useless dependencies in t/File-Tabular.t

0.62 09.03.2005 Fixed a bug in _printRow (missing \Q..\E in regexes)

0.63 22.03.2005 Fixed a bug in _cplQ (comparison with $self->{rxDate})

0.64 03.05.2005 Added argument "implicitPlus" in method compileFilter
                and possibility to pass a pre-parsed query as argument

                Fixed a bug in writeKeys due to improper layer in temp files
	        (now forcing 'crlf' layer, "portably open a text file"
 		 according to PerlIO manpage)