Revision history for MsOffice-Word-HTML-Writer
1.07 15.02.2022
- fix bug introduced in v1.04 : wide chars should be encoded as HTML numeric entities
1.06 30.01.2022
- fix bug introduced in v1.04 : images should not be utf8-encoded (thanks Rob. Wohlfarth!)
1.05 21.02.2021
- fix RT #107457 and #104205; wrong behaviour and wrong documentation about page breaks
1.04 11.02.2020
- support for UTF8 contents
1.03 05.04.2013
- new argument 'prevent_html_encoding' for the quote() method
- save_as() method returns the generated filename
1.02 23.11.2013
- #90737 : new 'page_numbers' arg for create_section(new_page=>)
- avoid warnings when the MIME type is unknown
1.01 29.09.2011
- new 'left'/'right' args for page_break() and create_section(new_page=>)
1.00 13.08.2011
- doc updates
- bumped to 1.0 and removed the claim that it was "experimental"
0.07 06.01.2011
- no "soft line breaks" in MIME encode_qp() -- see RT 63716
0.06 28.07.2010
- new arg for new(): WordDocument properties
0.05 14.05.2010
- better handling of MsWord fields, and new method quote()
0.04 04.06.2009
- fixes on CRLF line endings when generating from Unix
0.03 05.01.2009
- forgot Mime::Types in prereq
0.02 01.01.2009
- Oops, already some bugs (bad calls to Params::Validate)
0.01 01.01.2009
- Initial release