package Plack::App::AutoCRUD::ConfigDomain;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Domain 1.05 qw/:all/;

sub Config {
     app => Struct(
       name    => String(-optional => 1),
       title   => String(-optional => 1),
       default => Struct(-optional => 1),
     datasources => Struct(
       -values => List(-min_size => 1,
                       -all => DataSource()),

sub DataSource {
  Struct (
    dbh => Struct(
      connect => One_of(
        List(String(-name => "connect string"),
             String(-name => "connect username"),
             String(-name => "connect password"),
             Struct(-name => "connect options", -optional => 1)),
        String(-name => "eval code for connection"),
      db_catalog => String(-optional => 1),
      db_schema  => String(-optional => 1),
    descr        => String(-optional => 1),
    require      => String(-optional => 1),
    schema_class => String(-optional => 1),
    tablegroups  => List(-all => Tablegroup(), -optional => 1),
    tables       => Struct(-values => List(-all => Table()), -optional => 1),

sub Tablegroup {
  Struct (
    name   => String,
    descr  => String(-optional => 1),
    node   => Node(-optional => 1),
    tables => List(-all => String, -min_size => 1),

sub Table {
  Struct (
    descr => String(-optional => 1),
    colgroups => List(
      -optional => 1,
      -all => Struct(
        name  => String,
        descr => String(-optional => 1),
        node  => Node(-optional => 1),
        columns => List(-all => Struct(
          name => String,
          descr => String(-optional => 1),


sub Node {
  Enum(-values => [qw/open closed/], @_);



=encoding ISO-8859-1

=head1 NAME

Plack::App::AutoCRUD::ConfigDomain - checking configuration data


=head2 Using the module

  use Plack::App::AutoCRUD::ConfigDomain;
  use YAML qw/LoadFile Dump/;
  my $config = LoadFile $config_file;
  my $domain = Plack::App::AutoCRUD::ConfigDomain->Config();
  my $errors = $domain->inspect($config);
  die Dump($errors) if $errors;

=head2 Configuration example


    # global settings for the application
    # maybe application name, stuff for the homepage, etc.
    name: Demo
        page_size : 50

  datasources :
    DEVCI :
          - "dbi:SQLite:dbname=D:/Temp/DEVCI_MINI_unicode.sqlite"
          - ""
          - ""
          - RaiseError: 1
            sqlite_unicode: 1
      structure: DM

    DEVPJ :
          - "dbi:SQLite:dbname=D:/Temp/DEVPJ_MINI_unicode.sqlite"
          - ""
          - ""
          - RaiseError: 1
            sqlite_unicode: 1
      structure: DM


This package builds a L<Data::Domain> for checking configuration data.

The L<Plack::App::AutoCRUD> application uses this domain at startup time
to check if the configuration is correct.


  <config> : {
    app         => <app>,
    datasources => [ <datasource>+ ]

  <app> : {
    name        => <string>,
    title       => <string>,
    default     => <hashref>,

  <datasource> : {
    dbh => {
      connect    => ( [ <string>, <string>, <string>, <hashref>? ]
                     | <coderef> ),
      db_catalog => <string>,
      db_schema  => <string>,
    descr        => <string>,
    require      => <string>,
    schema_class => <string>,
    tablegroups  => [ <tablegroup>+ ],
    tables       => [ <table>+ ],


=head2 app

Basic information about the application :


=item name

Short name (will be displayed in most pages).

=item title

Long name (will be displayed in home page).

=item default

Hashref of various default values that may be used by inner modules.
Currently there is only one example : C<page_size>, used by
L<Plack::App::AutoCRUD::Controller::Table> to decide how many
records per page will be displayed.


=head2 datasources

  datasources :
    Chinook :
          - "dbi:SQLite:dbname=/path/to/Chinook_Sqlite_AutoIncrementPKs.sqlite"
          - ""                  # username
          - ""                  # password
          - RaiseError: 1       # DBI options
            sqlite_unicode: 1

A hashref describing the various databases served by this application.
Each key in the hashref is a short name for accessing the corresponding
datasource; that name will be part of URLs. Each value is a hashref 
with the following keys :


=item dbh

A hashref containing instructions for connecting to the database.

The main key is C<connect>, which contains a list of arguments
to L<DBI/connect>, i.e. a connection string, username, password,
and possibly a hashref of additional options. Alternatively, C<connect>
could also contain just a string of Perl code, which will be 
C<eval>ed to get the connection.

Optional keys C<db_catalog> and C<db_schema> may specify the values to
be passed to L<DBI/table_info>, L<DBI/column_info>, etc.  This will be
necessary if your database contains several catalogs and/or schemata.

=item descr

A string for describing the database; this will be displayed on the
home page.

=item require

The name of a Perl module to load before accessing this datasource

=item schema_class

The name of the L<DBIx::DataModel::Schema> subclass for this datasource.
This is optional, and defaults to the value of C<require>; if none is
supplied, the class will be constructed dynamically.

=item tablegroups

    tablegroups :
      - name: Music
        descr: Tables describing music content
        node: open
        tables :
          - Artist
          - Album
          - Track
      - name: Reference
        descr: Lists of codes
        node: closed
        tables :
          - MediaType
          - Genre

Datastructure for organising how database tables will be presented.
In absence of groups, the default presentation is alphabetical order,
which is good enough for small databases, but is no longer appropriate
when the number of tables becomes large. I<Tablegroups> is a list of
subsets of tables; each group may contain :


=item name

Short name for this group

=item descr

Longer description for this group

=item node

Either C<open> or C<closed>, depending on how you want this group
to be presented in the home page. By default groups are C<open>, which
means that the list of tables within the group is immediately visible.
The choice C<closed> is more appropriate for tables which contain technical
information and are not immediately useful to the user.

=item tables

The ordered list of tables within this group.

