Revision history for Pod-POM-Web

1.05    11.05.2007
  - patch from CDOLAN to add <head><title>
  - patch from CDOLAN to insert AnnoCPAN comments
  - fixed CSS for Firefox H1 .. H6

1.04    24.04.2007
  - patch from CDOLAN to show tooltips in module tree
  - hyperlinks from source code to use'd modules

1.03    24.04.2007
  - t/indexer.t no longer fails if Search::Indexer is not installed
  - a little more help in Pod::POM::Web::Help.pod

1.02    22.04.2007
  - fixes in standalone server (thanks BooK and CDOLAN) 

1.01    11.03.2007
  - explicit dependency on Pod::POM 0.17
  - avoid double indexing when finding overlapping paths in @INC
  - indexing is incremental and skips big files
  - indexing without word positions (less precise, but much smaller)
  - paging in fulltext results

1.00    08.03.2007
  - first public release