Revision history for Pod-POM-Web
1.15 20.11.2010
- H1 header can be either NAME or TITLE
- adapt to new structure of perlvar.pod in bleadperl
- CSS fix for diplaying AnnoCPAN notes
- dependency on Pod::POM 0.25
1.14 08.06.2010
- fix for pods/perl.pod change of structure since perl 5.12
- ignoring dirs starting with '.'
- no HTML rendering for perltoc (too slow)
- support for perlvar
- computing TOC layout, works for MSIE6, MSIE8, FF, Chrome and Safari
- many JS fixes (done in Alien-GvaScript 1.20)
- applied patch by Elliot Shank for specifiying the page title
- tested on MSIE8, FF3.5, safari4, Chrome3
- sync TOC, automatically open nodes in TOC
- support aliases in links L<alias|http://...>
- fixed bugs in URLs containing special chars like L<http://foo$/...>
- disabled automatic links within text nodes
- links to external resources will open in a blank page
- fixed bugs in displaying scripts (as opposed to modules)
- toc ignores directories starting with '.'
- toc_pragmas ignores "pod", "pods" and "inc" subdirs
1.11 13.11.2008
- removed =begin BUGS section in Pod that was preventing proper display
- fixed perlio layer for pass-through binary files
- ref to PodPOMWeb.css used wrong case (undetected on -Win32!)
- fixed page titles when the name has no "-- description"
1.10 07.11.2008
- passthrough for non-POD files (i.e. images, css, etc.)
- clicking hrefs in the TOC really loads the pages
- recompute height of treeNavigator
- alphabetical sort of Perl docs in each section
- sync displayed pages / TOC
- tooltips for Perl docs
- fixed hyperlinks in perlfunc
- initial page is 'perl' instead of 'perlintro', with hyperlinks
- Hyperlink to
- look for perl* files in both "pod" and "pods" subdirs
- fixed bug with onComplete introduced in 1.07
- fixed bug: no entries in section "Unclassified" (patch from A. Jousset)
- adaptation for Search::Indexer v0.75 (bugfix on incremental reindexing)
- reorganised TOC : modules by initial letter
- also serve scripts
- display installation date [and CPAN latest version]
- bug fix: entity encoding when no syntax colouring package
- onComplete sends form.submit() in Search input box
1.06 30.05.2007
- fixed Firefox CSS bug introduced in v1.05
- updated doc for modperl configuration
- friendly message in /index if javascript is disabled
1.05 11.05.2007
- patch from CDOLAN to add <head><title>
- patch from CDOLAN to insert AnnoCPAN comments
- fixed CSS for Firefox H1 .. H6
1.04 24.04.2007
- patch from CDOLAN to show tooltips in module tree
- hyperlinks from source code to use'd modules
1.03 24.04.2007
- t/indexer.t no longer fails if Search::Indexer is not installed
- a little more help in Pod::POM::Web::Help.pod
1.02 22.04.2007
- fixes in standalone server (thanks BooK and CDOLAN)
1.01 11.03.2007
- explicit dependency on Pod::POM 0.17
- avoid double indexing when finding overlapping paths in @INC
- indexing is incremental and skips big files
- indexing without word positions (less precise, but much smaller)
- paging in fulltext results
1.00 08.03.2007
- first public release