Revision history for Perl module Alt::Crypt::RSA::BigInt
0.04 14 January 2012
- Change from random_maurer_prime to random_nbit_prime. This is much faster
and yields more possible primes (Maurer's algorithm only outputs about 10%
of possible primes in the range). The downside is that the primes are not
proven prime, however they will have passed a strong BPSW test and a set of
Miller-Rabin tests for the first 46 prime bases. The BPSW test alone is
really enough for these sizes (~600 digits or smaller).
- Ask for Math::BigInt 1.78 to ensure we have 'try'.
Thanks to brian carlson.
- Reduce key sizes in 06 and 11 when not using GMP or Pari. Some build
systems were timing out (e.g. ActiveState).
0.03 30 December 2012
- Add tests for SHA384 and SHA512.
- Add optional support for RIPEMD160.
- Add more data to meta file, including git repository.
- All tests converted to Test::More.
- Rewrite Key/Private/, and add tests. I don't think it ever worked.
Now supports IDEA, DES, DES3, Blowfish, Twofish, CAST5, Rijndael, RC6, and
Camelia (only the first 4 are guaranteed -- the others depend on having a
module installed). Multiple alternative modules are allowed for some.
This fixes:
RT 69376 Bug in Crypt::RSA::Key::Private::SSH serialize function
- FindBin is no longer used. You'll need to do:
perl -Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch ...
to get the version in this directory. 'make test' does this for us.
use 'prove -l -b' to prove using the local version.
I think FindBin is great for example files and such, but I don't think
it is appropriate in the .pm files or in tests. If we do use it, it has
to be added to the dependency list.
0.02 28 December 2012
- Fix a decrypt issue setting keys
- Add SHA224 support
- Added strict and warnings to all .pm files.
- Converted to UTF-8 and added POD directive
- Make pretty maurer prime generation output with Verbosity.
0.01 28 December 2012
- Add test for h2osp, pss sign and verify with salt.
- Faster versions of some of the helper functions.
- Switch from Digest::SHA1 to Digest::SHA, and add SHA256.
- The following Crypt::RSA 1.99 defects have been fixed or made irrelevant
due to no longer using Math::Pari:
RT 52689 consider moving Crypt::RSA to Math::BigInt?
RT 76655 Version 1.99's META.yml says version is 1.97
RT 63007 Move to later version of Math-PARI
RT 4877 Crypt::RSA test 11 fails with a segmentation fault
RT 61392 Crypt::RSA::Key::Private::check not checking that q is an integer
RT 64883 Make errstr from check after write more intuitive
RT 45533 Crypt::RSA bug in mgf1 function
These fixable possible defects remain, but should be resoved soon.
RT 69376 Bug in Crypt::RSA::Key::Private::SSH serialize function
as well as these that aren't clear:
RT 50356 Crypt-RSA-1.99
RT 59923 changing the passphrase on key
- Makefile.PL will look for GMP and Pari, and install the Math::BigInt::GMP
or Math::BigInt::Pari modules if possible. It complains otherwise, but
everything should still work -- it just runs really slow.
- Completely removed Pari.
- Replaced modules:
Crypt::Random => Bytes::Random::Secure
Crypt::Primes => Math::Prime::Util
- Started with Vipul's Crypt::RSA.