Revision history for Perl extension Math::Prime::Util.
0.03 6 June 2012
- Speed up factoring.
- fixed powmod routine, speedup for smaller numbers
- Add Miller-Rabin and deterministic probable prime functions. These
are now used for is_prime and factoring, giving a big speedup for
numbers > 32-bit.
- Add HOLF factoring (just for demo)
- Next prime returns 0 on overflow
0.02 5 June 2012
- Back off new_ok to new/isa_ok to keep Test::More requirements low.
- Some documentation updates.
- I accidently used long in SQUFOF, which breaks LLP64.
- Test for broken 64-bit Perl.
- Fix overflow issues in segmented sieving.
- Switch to using UVuf for croaks. What I should have done all along.
- prime_count uses a segment sieve with 256k chunks (~7.9M numbers).
Not memory intensive any more, and faster for large inputs. The time
growth is slightly over linear however, so expect to wait a long
time for 10^12 or more.
- nth_prime also transitioned to segmented sieve.
0.01 4 June 2012
- Initial release