Revision history for Perl extension Math::Prime::Util.

0.05  11 June 2012
    - Speed up mulmod: asm for GCC + x86_64, native 64-bit for 32-bit Perl
      is uint64_t is available, and range tests for others.  This speeds up
      some of the factoring as well as Miller-Rabin, which in turn speeds up
      is_prime.  is_prime is used quite commonly, so this is good.
    - nth_prime routines should now all croak on overflow in the same way.
    - Segmented prime_count, things like this are reasonably efficient:
            say prime_count( 10**16,  10**16 + 2**20 )
    - Add Ei(x), li(x), and R(x) functions.
    - prime_count_approx uses R(x), making it vastly more accurate.
    - Let user override rand for random_prime.
    - Add many more tests with the help of Devel::Cover.

0.04  7 June 2012
    - Didn't do tests on 32-bit machine before release.  Test suite caught
      problem with next_prime overflow.
    - Try to use 64-bit modulo math even when Perl is 32-bit.  It can make
      is_prime run up to 10x faster (which impacts next_prime, factoring, etc.)
    - replace all assert with croak indicating an internal error.
    - Add random_prime and random_ndigit_prime
    - renamed prime_free to prime_memfree.

0.03  6 June 2012
    - Speed up factoring.
    - fixed powmod routine, speedup for smaller numbers
    - Add Miller-Rabin and deterministic probable prime functions.  These
      are now used for is_prime and factoring, giving a big speedup for
      numbers > 32-bit.
    - Add HOLF factoring (just for demo)
    - Next prime returns 0 on overflow

0.02  5 June 2012
    - Back off new_ok to new/isa_ok to keep Test::More requirements low.
    - Some documentation updates.
    - I accidently used long in SQUFOF, which breaks LLP64.
    - Test for broken 64-bit Perl.
    - Fix overflow issues in segmented sieving.
    - Switch to using UVuf for croaks.  What I should have done all along.
    - prime_count uses a segment sieve with 256k chunks (~7.9M numbers).
      Not memory intensive any more, and faster for large inputs.  The time
      growth is slightly over linear however, so expect to wait a long
      time for 10^12 or more.
    - nth_prime also transitioned to segmented sieve.

0.01  4 June 2012
    - Initial release