#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Math::Prime::Util qw/factor/; # Compare to Math::Factor::XS, which uses trial division. use Math::Factor::XS qw/prime_factors/; use Benchmark qw/:all/; use List::Util qw/min max reduce/; my $count = shift || -2; my $is64bit = (~0 > 4294967295); my $maxdigits = ($is64bit) ? 20 : 10; # Noting the range is limited for max. my $semiprimes = 0; my $howmany = 1000; for my $d ( 3 .. $maxdigits ) { print "Factor $howmany $d-digit numbers\n"; test_at_digits($d, $howmany); } sub test_at_digits { my $digits = shift; die "Digits has to be >= 1" unless $digits >= 1; die "Digits has to be <= $maxdigits" if $digits > $maxdigits; my $quantity = shift; my @rnd = ndigit_rand($digits, $quantity); my @smp = genrough($digits, $quantity); # verify (can be _really_ slow for 18+ digits) foreach my $p (@rnd, @smp) { next if $p < 2; verify_factor($p, [prime_factors($p)], [factor($p)], "Math::Prime::Util $Math::Prime::Util::VERSION"); } #my $min_num = min @nums; #my $max_num = max @nums; #my $whatstr = "$digits-digit ", $semiprimes ? "semiprime" : "random"; #print "factoring 1000 $digits-digit ", # $semiprimes ? "semiprimes" : "random numbers", # " ($min_num - $max_num)\n"; my $lref = { "MPU random" => sub { my@a=factor($_) for @rnd }, "MPU nonsmooth" => sub { my@a=factor($_) for @smp }, "MFXS random" => sub { my@a=prime_factors($_) for @rnd }, "MFXS nonsmooth" => sub { my@a=prime_factors($_) for @smp }, }; cmpthese($count, $lref); } sub verify_factor { my ($n, $aref1, $aref2, $name) = @_; return 1 if "@$aref1" eq "@$aref2"; my @master = @$aref1; my @check = @$aref2; die "Factor $n master fail!" unless $n == reduce { $a * $b } @master; die "Factor $n fail: $name" unless $#check == $#master; die "Factor $n fail: $name" unless $n == reduce { $a * $b } @check; for (0 .. $#master) { die "Factor $n fail: $name" unless $master[$_] == $check[$_]; } 1; } sub genrough { my ($digits, $num) = @_; my @min_factors_by_digit = (2,2,3,5,7,13,23,47,97); my $smallest_factor = $min_factors_by_digit[$digits]; $smallest_factor = $min_factors_by_digit[-1] unless defined $smallest_factor; my @semiprimes; foreach my $i (1 .. $num) { my $n; my @facn; do { $n = ndigit_rand($digits, 1); @facn = Math::Prime::Util::trial_factor($n,$smallest_factor); } while scalar(@facn) > 1; push @semiprimes, $n; } return @semiprimes; } use Bytes::Random::Secure qw/random_string_from/; sub ndigit_rand { my($digits, $howmany) = @_; die "digits must be > 0" if $digits < 1; $howmany = 1 unless defined $howmany; # TODO: need to skip things larger than ~0 for this module my @nums = map { random_string_from("123456789",1) . random_string_from("0123456789",$digits-1) } 1 .. $howmany; if (10**$digits > ~0) { @nums = map { Math::BigInt->new($_) } @nums; } else { @nums = map { int($_) } @nums; } return wantarray ? @nums : $nums[0]; }