Revision history for Perl extension App::Hachero
0.08 2009-08-20T22:53:53+0900
- new Summarize hook
- new Filter::URI plugin
- new Summarize::NarrowDown plugin
- new Summarize::Scraper plugin
- more options for Parse::Common plugin
0.07 2009-08-14T16:46:00+0900
- faster Input::File plugin debug message
0.07_01 2009-07-15T17:51:00+0900
- new Fetch::S3 plugin
- new Fetch::Gunzip plugin
- fix bugs on tests
0.06 2009-04-15T09:11:26+0900
- removed debug codes
0.06_02 2009-04-06T08:29:15+0900
- fix broken tests
0.06_01 2009-04-06T04:42:10+0900
- less dependency using Module::AutoInstall
- new Output::CSV plugin
- fix bug on Output::Dump
0.051 2008-11-11T13:18:07+0900
- add parsed result of Parse::HadoopReduce into currentinfo->{hadoop_reduce}
0.05 2008-11-02T11:36:30+0900
- set default value 'overwrite' for update_mode of Output::DBIC
0.04 2008-10-24T19:09:00+0900
- multiple package in one plugin file support with Module::Collect 0.05. yappo++
0.03 2008-10-22T12:27:15+0900
- added count_up mode in Output::DBIC
- skips line when parsing error happens in Parse::HadoopReduce
0.02 2008-10-19T14:56:35+0900
- requires plugins in plugin_path on HadoopReduce
0.01_03 2008-10-18T16:46:05+0900
- implemented initialize hook
0.01_02 2008-10-17T15:23:35+0900
- fix dump/eval errors on HadoopMap/HadoopReduce
0.01_01 2008-10-08T20:35:00+0900
- fix DateTime::TimeZone error in t/plugin/filter/04_access_time (maybe)
- fix typos in POD
- add README
0.01 2008-10-07T12:24:02+0900
- original version