#line 1
package Module::Install::Metadata;

use strict 'vars';
use Module::Install::Base ();

use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
	$VERSION = '1.08';
	@ISA     = 'Module::Install::Base';
	$ISCORE  = 1;

my @boolean_keys = qw{

my @scalar_keys = qw{

my @tuple_keys = qw{

my @resource_keys = qw{

my @array_keys = qw{

*authors = \&author;

sub Meta              { shift          }
sub Meta_BooleanKeys  { @boolean_keys  }
sub Meta_ScalarKeys   { @scalar_keys   }
sub Meta_TupleKeys    { @tuple_keys    }
sub Meta_ResourceKeys { @resource_keys }
sub Meta_ArrayKeys    { @array_keys    }

foreach my $key ( @boolean_keys ) {
	*$key = sub {
		my $self = shift;
		if ( defined wantarray and not @_ ) {
			return $self->{values}->{$key};
		$self->{values}->{$key} = ( @_ ? $_[0] : 1 );
		return $self;

foreach my $key ( @scalar_keys ) {
	*$key = sub {
		my $self = shift;
		return $self->{values}->{$key} if defined wantarray and !@_;
		$self->{values}->{$key} = shift;
		return $self;

foreach my $key ( @array_keys ) {
	*$key = sub {
		my $self = shift;
		return $self->{values}->{$key} if defined wantarray and !@_;
		$self->{values}->{$key} ||= [];
		push @{$self->{values}->{$key}}, @_;
		return $self;

foreach my $key ( @resource_keys ) {
	*$key = sub {
		my $self = shift;
		unless ( @_ ) {
			return () unless $self->{values}->{resources};
			return map  { $_->[1] }
			       grep { $_->[0] eq $key }
			       @{ $self->{values}->{resources} };
		return $self->{values}->{resources}->{$key} unless @_;
		my $uri = shift or die(
			"Did not provide a value to $key()"
		$self->resources( $key => $uri );
		return 1;

foreach my $key ( grep { $_ ne "resources" } @tuple_keys) {
	*$key = sub {
		my $self = shift;
		return $self->{values}->{$key} unless @_;
		my @added;
		while ( @_ ) {
			my $module  = shift or last;
			my $version = shift || 0;
			push @added, [ $module, $version ];
		push @{ $self->{values}->{$key} }, @added;
		return map {@$_} @added;

# Resource handling
my %lc_resource = map { $_ => 1 } qw{

sub resources {
	my $self = shift;
	while ( @_ ) {
		my $name  = shift or last;
		my $value = shift or next;
		if ( $name eq lc $name and ! $lc_resource{$name} ) {
			die("Unsupported reserved lowercase resource '$name'");
		$self->{values}->{resources} ||= [];
		push @{ $self->{values}->{resources} }, [ $name, $value ];

# Aliases for build_requires that will have alternative
# meanings in some future version of META.yml.
sub test_requires     { shift->build_requires(@_) }
sub install_requires  { shift->build_requires(@_) }

# Aliases for installdirs options
sub install_as_core   { $_[0]->installdirs('perl')   }
sub install_as_cpan   { $_[0]->installdirs('site')   }
sub install_as_site   { $_[0]->installdirs('site')   }
sub install_as_vendor { $_[0]->installdirs('vendor') }

sub dynamic_config {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $value = @_ ? shift : 1;
	if ( $self->{values}->{dynamic_config} ) {
		# Once dynamic we never change to static, for safety
		return 0;
	$self->{values}->{dynamic_config} = $value ? 1 : 0;
	return 1;

# Convenience command
sub static_config {

sub perl_version {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->{values}->{perl_version} unless @_;
	my $version = shift or die(
		"Did not provide a value to perl_version()"

	# Normalize the version
	$version = $self->_perl_version($version);

	# We don't support the really old versions
	unless ( $version >= 5.005 ) {
		die "Module::Install only supports 5.005 or newer (use ExtUtils::MakeMaker)\n";

	$self->{values}->{perl_version} = $version;

sub all_from {
	my ( $self, $file ) = @_;

	unless ( defined($file) ) {
		my $name = $self->name or die(
			"all_from called with no args without setting name() first"
		$file = join('/', 'lib', split(/-/, $name)) . '.pm';
		$file =~ s{.*/}{} unless -e $file;
		unless ( -e $file ) {
			die("all_from cannot find $file from $name");
	unless ( -f $file ) {
		die("The path '$file' does not exist, or is not a file");

	$self->{values}{all_from} = $file;

	# Some methods pull from POD instead of code.
	# If there is a matching .pod, use that instead
	my $pod = $file;
	$pod =~ s/\.pm$/.pod/i;
	$pod = $file unless -e $pod;

	# Pull the different values
	$self->name_from($file)         unless $self->name;
	$self->version_from($file)      unless $self->version;
	$self->perl_version_from($file) unless $self->perl_version;
	$self->author_from($pod)        unless @{$self->author || []};
	$self->license_from($pod)       unless $self->license;
	$self->abstract_from($pod)      unless $self->abstract;

	return 1;

sub provides {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $provides = ( $self->{values}->{provides} ||= {} );
	%$provides = (%$provides, @_) if @_;
	return $provides;

sub auto_provides {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self unless $self->is_admin;
	unless (-e 'MANIFEST') {
		warn "Cannot deduce auto_provides without a MANIFEST, skipping\n";
		return $self;
	# Avoid spurious warnings as we are not checking manifest here.
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {1};
	require ExtUtils::Manifest;
	local *ExtUtils::Manifest::manicheck = sub { return };

	require Module::Build;
	my $build = Module::Build->new(
		dist_name    => $self->name,
		dist_version => $self->version,
		license      => $self->license,
	$self->provides( %{ $build->find_dist_packages || {} } );

sub feature {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $name     = shift;
	my $features = ( $self->{values}->{features} ||= [] );
	my $mods;

	if ( @_ == 1 and ref( $_[0] ) ) {
		# The user used ->feature like ->features by passing in the second
		# argument as a reference.  Accomodate for that.
		$mods = $_[0];
	} else {
		$mods = \@_;

	my $count = 0;
	push @$features, (
		$name => [
			map {
				ref($_) ? ( ref($_) eq 'HASH' ) ? %$_ : @$_ : $_
			} @$mods

	return @$features;

sub features {
	my $self = shift;
	while ( my ( $name, $mods ) = splice( @_, 0, 2 ) ) {
		$self->feature( $name, @$mods );
	return $self->{values}->{features}
		? @{ $self->{values}->{features} }
		: ();

sub no_index {
	my $self = shift;
	my $type = shift;
	push @{ $self->{values}->{no_index}->{$type} }, @_ if $type;
	return $self->{values}->{no_index};

sub read {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->include_deps( 'YAML::Tiny', 0 );

	require YAML::Tiny;
	my $data = YAML::Tiny::LoadFile('META.yml');

	# Call methods explicitly in case user has already set some values.
	while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %$data ) {
		next unless $self->can($key);
		if ( ref $value eq 'HASH' ) {
			while ( my ( $module, $version ) = each %$value ) {
				$self->can($key)->($self, $module => $version );
		} else {
			$self->can($key)->($self, $value);
	return $self;

sub write {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self unless $self->is_admin;
	return $self;

sub version_from {
	require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
	my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
	$self->version( ExtUtils::MM_Unix->parse_version($file) );

	# for version integrity check
	$self->makemaker_args( VERSION_FROM => $file );

sub abstract_from {
	require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
	my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
			{ DISTNAME => $self->name },

# Add both distribution and module name
sub name_from {
	my ($self, $file) = @_;
	if (
		Module::Install::_read($file) =~ m/
		^ \s*
		package \s*
		\s* ;
	) {
		my ($name, $module_name) = ($1, $1);
		$name =~ s{::}{-}g;
		unless ( $self->module_name ) {
	} else {
		die("Cannot determine name from $file\n");

sub _extract_perl_version {
	if (
		$_[0] =~ m/
		(?:use|require) \s*
		\s* ;
	) {
		my $perl_version = $1;
		$perl_version =~ s{_}{}g;
		return $perl_version;
	} else {

sub perl_version_from {
	my $self = shift;
	my $perl_version=_extract_perl_version(Module::Install::_read($_[0]));
	if ($perl_version) {
	} else {
		warn "Cannot determine perl version info from $_[0]\n";

sub author_from {
	my $self    = shift;
	my $content = Module::Install::_read($_[0]);
	if ($content =~ m/
		=head \d \s+ (?:authors?)\b \s*
		=head \d \s+ (?:licen[cs]e|licensing|copyright|legal)\b \s*
		.*? copyright .*? \d\d\d[\d.]+ \s* (?:\bby\b)? \s*
	/ixms) {
		my $author = $1 || $2;

		# XXX: ugly but should work anyway...
		if (eval "require Pod::Escapes; 1") {
			# Pod::Escapes has a mapping table.
			# It's in core of perl >= 5.9.3, and should be installed
			# as one of the Pod::Simple's prereqs, which is a prereq
			# of Pod::Text 3.x (see also below).
			$author =~ s{ E<( (\d+) | ([A-Za-z]+) )> }
				defined $2
				? chr($2)
				: defined $Pod::Escapes::Name2character_number{$1}
				? chr($Pod::Escapes::Name2character_number{$1})
				: do {
					warn "Unknown escape: E<$1>";
		elsif (eval "require Pod::Text; 1" && $Pod::Text::VERSION < 3) {
			# Pod::Text < 3.0 has yet another mapping table,
			# though the table name of 2.x and 1.x are different.
			# (1.x is in core of Perl < 5.6, 2.x is in core of
			# Perl < 5.9.3)
			my $mapping = ($Pod::Text::VERSION < 2)
				? \%Pod::Text::HTML_Escapes
				: \%Pod::Text::ESCAPES;
			$author =~ s{ E<( (\d+) | ([A-Za-z]+) )> }
				defined $2
				? chr($2)
				: defined $mapping->{$1}
				? $mapping->{$1}
				: do {
					warn "Unknown escape: E<$1>";
		else {
			$author =~ s{E<lt>}{<}g;
			$author =~ s{E<gt>}{>}g;
	} else {
		warn "Cannot determine author info from $_[0]\n";

#Stolen from M::B
my %license_urls = (
    perl         => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/',
    apache       => 'http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0',
    apache_1_1   => 'http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-1.1',
    artistic     => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license.php',
    artistic_2   => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php',
    lgpl         => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php',
    lgpl2        => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php',
    lgpl3        => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html',
    bsd          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php',
    gpl          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php',
    gpl2         => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php',
    gpl3         => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html',
    mit          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php',
    mozilla      => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php',
    open_source  => undef,
    unrestricted => undef,
    restrictive  => undef,
    unknown      => undef,

sub license {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->{values}->{license} unless @_;
	my $license = shift or die(
		'Did not provide a value to license()'
	$license = __extract_license($license) || lc $license;
	$self->{values}->{license} = $license;

	# Automatically fill in license URLs
	if ( $license_urls{$license} ) {
		$self->resources( license => $license_urls{$license} );

	return 1;

sub _extract_license {
	my $pod = shift;
	my $matched;
	return __extract_license(
		($matched) = $pod =~ m/
			(=head \d \s+ L(?i:ICEN[CS]E|ICENSING)\b.*?)
			(=head \d.*|=cut.*|)\z
	) || __extract_license(
		($matched) = $pod =~ m/
			(=head \d \s+ (?:C(?i:OPYRIGHTS?)|L(?i:EGAL))\b.*?)
			(=head \d.*|=cut.*|)\z

sub __extract_license {
	my $license_text = shift or return;
	my @phrases      = (
		'(?:under )?the same (?:terms|license) as (?:perl|the perl (?:\d )?programming language)' => 'perl', 1,
		'(?:under )?the terms of (?:perl|the perl programming language) itself' => 'perl', 1,
		'Artistic and GPL'                   => 'perl',         1,
		'GNU general public license'         => 'gpl',          1,
		'GNU public license'                 => 'gpl',          1,
		'GNU lesser general public license'  => 'lgpl',         1,
		'GNU lesser public license'          => 'lgpl',         1,
		'GNU library general public license' => 'lgpl',         1,
		'GNU library public license'         => 'lgpl',         1,
		'GNU Free Documentation license'     => 'unrestricted', 1,
		'GNU Affero General Public License'  => 'open_source',  1,
		'(?:Free)?BSD license'               => 'bsd',          1,
		'Artistic license 2\.0'              => 'artistic_2',   1,
		'Artistic license'                   => 'artistic',     1,
		'Apache (?:Software )?license'       => 'apache',       1,
		'GPL'                                => 'gpl',          1,
		'LGPL'                               => 'lgpl',         1,
		'BSD'                                => 'bsd',          1,
		'Artistic'                           => 'artistic',     1,
		'MIT'                                => 'mit',          1,
		'Mozilla Public License'             => 'mozilla',      1,
		'Q Public License'                   => 'open_source',  1,
		'OpenSSL License'                    => 'unrestricted', 1,
		'SSLeay License'                     => 'unrestricted', 1,
		'zlib License'                       => 'open_source',  1,
		'proprietary'                        => 'proprietary',  0,
	while ( my ($pattern, $license, $osi) = splice(@phrases, 0, 3) ) {
		$pattern =~ s#\s+#\\s+#gs;
		if ( $license_text =~ /\b$pattern\b/i ) {
			return $license;
	return '';

sub license_from {
	my $self = shift;
	if (my $license=_extract_license(Module::Install::_read($_[0]))) {
	} else {
		warn "Cannot determine license info from $_[0]\n";
		return 'unknown';

sub _extract_bugtracker {
	my @links   = $_[0] =~ m#L<(
	my %links;
	@links=keys %links;
	return @links;

sub bugtracker_from {
	my $self    = shift;
	my $content = Module::Install::_read($_[0]);
	my @links   = _extract_bugtracker($content);
	unless ( @links ) {
		warn "Cannot determine bugtracker info from $_[0]\n";
		return 0;
	if ( @links > 1 ) {
		warn "Found more than one bugtracker link in $_[0]\n";
		return 0;

	# Set the bugtracker
	bugtracker( $links[0] );
	return 1;

sub requires_from {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $content  = Module::Install::_readperl($_[0]);
	my @requires = $content =~ m/^use\s+([^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*)\s+(v?[\d\.]+)/mg;
	while ( @requires ) {
		my $module  = shift @requires;
		my $version = shift @requires;
		$self->requires( $module => $version );

sub test_requires_from {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $content  = Module::Install::_readperl($_[0]);
	my @requires = $content =~ m/^use\s+([^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*)\s+([\d\.]+)/mg;
	while ( @requires ) {
		my $module  = shift @requires;
		my $version = shift @requires;
		$self->test_requires( $module => $version );

# Convert triple-part versions (eg, 5.6.1 or 5.8.9) to
# numbers (eg, 5.006001 or 5.008009).
# Also, convert double-part versions (eg, 5.8)
sub _perl_version {
	my $v = $_[-1];
	$v =~ s/^([1-9])\.([1-9]\d?\d?)$/sprintf("%d.%03d",$1,$2)/e;
	$v =~ s/^([1-9])\.([1-9]\d?\d?)\.(0|[1-9]\d?\d?)$/sprintf("%d.%03d%03d",$1,$2,$3 || 0)/e;
	$v =~ s/(\.\d\d\d)000$/$1/;
	$v =~ s/_.+$//;
	if ( ref($v) ) {
		# Numify
		$v = $v + 0;
	return $v;

sub add_metadata {
    my $self = shift;
    my %hash = @_;
    for my $key (keys %hash) {
        warn "add_metadata: $key is not prefixed with 'x_'.\n" .
             "Use appopriate function to add non-private metadata.\n" unless $key =~ /^x_/;
        $self->{values}->{$key} = $hash{$key};

# MYMETA Support

sub WriteMyMeta {
	die "WriteMyMeta has been deprecated";

sub write_mymeta_yaml {
	my $self = shift;

	# We need YAML::Tiny to write the MYMETA.yml file
	unless ( eval { require YAML::Tiny; 1; } ) {
		return 1;

	# Generate the data
	my $meta = $self->_write_mymeta_data or return 1;

	# Save as the MYMETA.yml file
	print "Writing MYMETA.yml\n";
	YAML::Tiny::DumpFile('MYMETA.yml', $meta);

sub write_mymeta_json {
	my $self = shift;

	# We need JSON to write the MYMETA.json file
	unless ( eval { require JSON; 1; } ) {
		return 1;

	# Generate the data
	my $meta = $self->_write_mymeta_data or return 1;

	# Save as the MYMETA.yml file
	print "Writing MYMETA.json\n";

sub _write_mymeta_data {
	my $self = shift;

	# If there's no existing META.yml there is nothing we can do
	return undef unless -f 'META.yml';

	# We need Parse::CPAN::Meta to load the file
	unless ( eval { require Parse::CPAN::Meta; 1; } ) {
		return undef;

	# Merge the perl version into the dependencies
	my $val  = $self->Meta->{values};
	my $perl = delete $val->{perl_version};
	if ( $perl ) {
		$val->{requires} ||= [];
		my $requires = $val->{requires};

		# Canonize to three-dot version after Perl 5.6
		if ( $perl >= 5.006 ) {
			$perl =~ s{^(\d+)\.(\d\d\d)(\d*)}{join('.', $1, int($2||0), int($3||0))}e
		unshift @$requires, [ perl => $perl ];

	# Load the advisory META.yml file
	my @yaml = Parse::CPAN::Meta::LoadFile('META.yml');
	my $meta = $yaml[0];

	# Overwrite the non-configure dependency hashs
	delete $meta->{requires};
	delete $meta->{build_requires};
	delete $meta->{recommends};
	if ( exists $val->{requires} ) {
		$meta->{requires} = { map { @$_ } @{ $val->{requires} } };
	if ( exists $val->{build_requires} ) {
		$meta->{build_requires} = { map { @$_ } @{ $val->{build_requires} } };

	return $meta;
