# $Id: Changes,v 0.43 2002/01/10 13:59:44 dankogai Exp dankogai $

Revision history for Perl extension BSD::stat.

0.43 2001.01.10
     ! possible memory leaks fixed this time
     ! prototype added as l?stat(;$);
0.42 2001.01.08
     ! possible memory leaks fixed
     ! OP_STAT and OP_LSTAT is set when and only when the
       operation is successful
0.41 2001.01.08
     ! stat.xs is more compliant with perlxs guidelines
     ! further code optimization
0.40 2001.12.30
     BSD::stat is now as much like CORE::stat as a module can get!
     + now supports _ special filehandle
       (or stat cache now works).
     ! too much perlgut--wrenching?
     * so version is now 0.40, not just 0.31
0.30 2001.12.28
     BSD::stat is now more like CORE::stat
     + Now accepts filehandle as an argument
     + Now uses $_ when an argument is omitted
     + More performance gain
     - AUTOLOAD() no longer used.
     ! README is now more dist-safe
0.25 2001.12.19
     optimized: anystat()
     safer:     AUTOLOAD()
     added:	t/benchmark.pl
     changed:	test.pl -> t/*.t
0.24 2001.12.18
     fixed: lstat() and stat() behaved the same.
0.23 2001.12.17
     fixed: $scalar = lstat("nonexistent") wrongly got a reference
     which always evaluates true.  Now it returns undef when stat
0.22 2001.12.17
     Debris in stat.pm removed; duplicate occurance of $VERSION
0.21 2001.12.17
     First preview release
0.01 2001.12.17
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-n BSD::stat -f