#  Revision history for Digest::SipHash
$Id: Changes,v 0.7 2013/02/17 14:48:20 dankogai Exp dankogai $
! SipHash.xs lib/Digest/SipHash.pm
  * added siphash32(), just an alias of siphash().
  * s/key/seed/g
    # so less confusing from perl's point of view

0.06 2013/02/17 14:03:18
! lib/Digest/SipHash.pm t/01-SipHash.t
  Fixed: siphash() in scalar context

0.05 2013/02/17 13:34:32
! lib/Digest/SipHash.pm
  POD fixes.  Functionally identical to the previous version

0.04 2013/02/17 13:23:00
! SipHash.xs lib/Digest/SipHash.pm t/01-SipHash.t
  ! siphash() now always returns lower 32-bit first so
    == Digest::SipHash::siphash($str, Hash::Util::hash_seed());
  always holds true.
  + siphash64() added for 64-bit platforms

0.03 2013/02/17 10:30:45
! SipHash.xs lib/Digest/SipHash.pm t/01-SipHash.t
  Supports 64-bit int if perl supports that.

0.02 2013/02/17 08:30:18
! t/01-SipHash.t
  Checks the bug below.
! lib/Digest/SipHash.pm
  # forgot the following. oops.
  use base 'Exporter'; 

0.01 2013/02/17 07:53:54
+ *
  First Release