# Revision history for Perl extension Encode.
# $Id: Changes,v 0.96 2002/03/22 22:22:53 dankogai Exp dankogai $

0.96  Sat Mar 23 2002
!     TW/TW.pm
!     lib/Encode/Encoding.pm
!     lib/Encode/Alias.pm
!     lib/Encode/Supported.pod
!     KR/KR.pm
  Pod Fixes by Michael G Schwern <schwern@pobox.com> via jhi
  Message-ID: <20020322073908.GB10539@blackrider>
! Makefile.PL
! Encode.pm
  "...I think we should include ISO 8859-1 as well." -- NI-S
  Message-Id: <20020322120230.1332.8@bactrian.elixent.com>
! JP/JP.pm
! CN/CN.pm
! KR/KR.pm
! TW/TW.pm
! lib/Encode/Alias.pm
  alias definitions  relocated to Encode::Alias so module autoloading
  works for aliases also.
! Encode.pm
  encodings() now accepts args to check ExtModules.
+ Byte/Byte.pm
+ Byte/Makefile.PL
+ EBCDIC/Makefile.PL
+ Symbol/Makefile.PL
+ Symbol/Symbol.pm
! Encode.pm
! Encode.xs
  Latin and single byte encodings are reorganized so they are
  demand-loaded like Encode::XX.  Now only ascii is compiled into
  Encode itself. 
! lib/Encode/Alias.pm
  for my $k (keys %hash){ delete $hash{$k}; }
   is depreciated; fixed.      

0.95  Fri Mar 22 2002
  In this update, pod rewrites and alias fixes are the main issues
+ lib/Encode/Supported.pod
  Describes supported encodings
! Makefile.PL
  streamlined compiled-in encodings.
! lib/Encode/Description.pod -> lib/Encode/Details.pod
+ Encode/ibm-125?.ucm
  Added from icu distibution with any occurance of
   "IBM-125?" to "cp125?".  Filenames remain unchanged to pay
   some respect to icu staff, however.
+ lib/Encode/Alias.pm
! Encode.pm
  Alias difinitions in Encode.pm relocated.
! Encode.xs
  packWARN patch from Paul Marquess via jhi
  Message-Id: <20020321010101.O28978@alpha.hut.fi>
  Paul added to AUTHORS as a result.
! t/CJKalias.t -> t/Aliases.t
  Renamed.  Checks even more aliases and alias overloading
! Encode.pm
! CN/CN.pm
  duplicate alias for ujis => euc-jp removed (Encode::JP has one)
  gbk => cp936 relocated to CN.pm
! t/CJKalias.t
  Test::More with plans (by jhi)

0.94  Thu Mar 21 2002
+ lib/Encode/Description.pod
! lib/Encode/Encoding.pm
  Now the pod in Encode.pm is abridged as programming references.
  lib/Encode/Description.pod contains the original, detailed description
  and Encode::Encoding explains how to write your own module to
  add new encodings.  So far, lib/Encode/Description.pod contains
  the whole pod once in Encode.pm.  This is intentional.
! Encode.pm
  Pod revisions by Anton Tagunov
  Message-Id: <517178431.20020320174824@motor.ru>
! lib/Encode/Tcl.pm
  all occrance of Encode::Tcl::Extended removed including pod
! t/CJKalias.t
  test now checks $encoding->name only; $encoding->{name} are
  no longer check to find the canonical name.
! lib/Encode/JP/JIS.pm
! lib/Encode/JP/ISO_2022_JP.pm
  ->name() added to be more compliant with API  
! CN/CN.pm
! JP/JP.pm
! KR/KR.pm
! TW/TW.pm
! t/CJKalias.t
  Patch by Autrijus to add aliases to TW and fixes to POD
  Message-Id: <20020320090619.GA24774@not.autrijus.org>
  SADAHIRO Tomoyuki added as should.  My apologies.

0.93  Wed Mar 20 2002
* First release to be uploaded to CPAN.  For prehistoric changes,
  please see Changes file of perl distibution as well as 
  perl-unicode@perl.org archive, available at:

  Changes Since 0.92 includes;
+ Changes
! Encode.pm
  + Mention to perl-unicode@perl.org added
! JP/JP.pm
  + Encoding aliases added so you can feed locale names
    and MIME Charset="" directly.
  - Mention to JISX0212 removed because it's fixed
! CN/CN.pm
! KR/KR.pm
  + Encoding aliases added.  Note TW is left untouched because
    euc-tw is not implemented in TW but in Encode::HanExtra.
    Autrijus, you may fix Encode::HanExtra.
+ t/CJKalias.t
  + to test encode aliases added