# Revision history for Perl extension Encode.
# $Id: Changes,v 0.99 2002/03/25 19:29:22 dankogai Exp dankogai $
0.99 Tue Mar 26 2002
- lib/Encode/JP/Const.pm
+ lib/Encode/CJKConstants.pm
+ lib/Encode/CN/2022_CN.pm
+ lib/Encode/KR/2022_KR.pm
+ t/KR.t
+ t/gb2312.euc
+ t/gb2312.ref
+ t/ksc5601.euc
+ t/ksc5601.ref
+ t/table.euc
+ t/table.ref
+ ucm2table
* Support for ISO-2022-KR and ISO-2022-CN added.
* t/KR.t added!
* more t/*.{euc,ref} added, which was autogenerated from ucm2table
* ucm2table autogenerates character table out of UCM files.
- engine.c
+ encengine.c
- lib/Encode/Supports.pod
+ lib/Encode/Supported.pod
Names reverted due to popular demand.
8.3 rule applies only when there is a conflict.
Message-Id: <20020325095924.GD44120@not.autrijus.org>
! */Makefile.PL
- Encode/*.enc
+ Encode/*.ucm
- lib/Tcl*
- lib/Encode/Format/Enc.pod
- t/Tcl.t
* Character tables is now 100% ucm.
* All files under Encode/ is now 8.3-compliant
* some of missing encodings added (i.e. gsm0338 and nextstep)
* Vendor mappings aggregated with appropriate national std in
Makefile.PL, resulting smaller *.so especially for CJK.
Following is result on Dan's FreeBSD box.
Now Then
blib/arch/auto/Encode/Byte/Byte.so 157,279 171,042
blib/arch/auto/Encode/CN/CN.so 1,634,476 1,626,685
blib/arch/auto/Encode/EBCDIC/EBCDIC.so 18,476 18,476
blib/arch/auto/Encode/Encode.so 27,791 27,791
blib/arch/auto/Encode/JP/JP.so 1,408,056 1,832,811
blib/arch/auto/Encode/KR/KR.so 1,156,518 1,329,587
blib/arch/auto/Encode/Symbol/Symbol.so 23,940 20,990
blib/arch/auto/Encode/TW/TW.so* 948,761 1,316,437
Total 5,375,297 6,343,819
Saving 968,522
* As a result of ucm-transition, Encode::Tcl dropped because
Encode::Tcl demands *.enc.
Encode::Tcl will be supplied in a separate tarball with *.enc.
Message-Id: <C024E294-3FC3-11D6-8347-00039301D480@dan.co.jp>
Files renamed 8.3 filename compliance. Affected modules/scripts revised.
- lib/Encode/JP/Constants.pm
+ lib/Encode/JP/Consts.pm
! lib/Encode/JP/JIS.pm
! lib/Encode/JP/H2Z.pm
Version nit problem and 8.3 rule fix.
> Package namespace installed latest in CPAN file
> Encode::JP::Constants 0.92 1.02 J/JH/JHI/perl-5.7.3.tar.gz
was noted by jhi then Dan discovers "Constants.pm" does not comply 8.3
rule. Contants.pm renamed to Consts.pm and affected modules are fixed
accordingly. In addition, legacy "use vars qw()..." are replaced with
Message-Id: <20020325011248.D1561@alpha.hut.fi>
Message-Id: <41023D51-3FB5-11D6-8347-00039301D480@dan.co.jp>
! JP/JP.pm
- lib/Encode/JP/ISO_2022_JP.pm
- lib/Encode/JP/ISO_2022_JP_1.pm
+ lib/Encode/JP/2022_JP.pm
+ lib/Encode/JP/2022_JP1.pm
8.3 naming conflict for vanilla fat addressed by jhi
Message-Id: <20020324201931.V22596@alpha.hut.fi>
! Encode.xs
Typecast fix addressed by jhi
Message-Id: <20020324185540.T22596@alpha.hut.fi>
0.98 Mon Mar 25 2002
! lib/Encode/Supported.pod
Further pod fixes
+ lib/Encode/JP/ISO_2022_JP_1.pm
! lib/Encode/JP/ISO_2022_JP.pm
! lib/Encode/JP/JIS.pm
! JP/JP.pm
Now Encode::JP is more strict on the difference between ISO-2022-JP
and ISO-2022-JP-1. See JP/JP.pm for details. I hope this move
makes Anton happier :) FYI the previous version implements
ISO-2022-JP as ISO-2022-JP-1 since it had X0212 support.
! lib/Encode/Supported.pod
Further pod fixes
! Encode.xs
Avoid core-dump in Encode with PERLIO=mmap by NI-S
Message-Id: <20020324104139.1326.7@bactrian.ni-s.u-net.com>
! CN/CN.pm
! JP/JP.pm
! KR/KR.pm
! TW/TW.pm
! lib/Encode/Suppoted.pod
pod fixes to replace F<http://...> to L<http://...>,
as suggested by Autrijius in:
Message-Id: <20020324083943.GA14901@not.autrijus.org>
! lib/Encode/Suppoted.pod
fixes and enhancements by Anton
Message-Id: <10632060120.20020324103753@motor.ru>
! lib/Encode/Alias.pm
> define_alias( qr/^GB[- ]?(\d+)$/i => '"gb$1"' );
added. Suggested by Anton then deobfuscated by Autrijius
Message-Id: <20020324064455.GA3667@not.autrijus.org>
! compile
Further fix by Nicholas Clark
Message-Id: <20020323145840.GD304@Bagpuss.unfortu.net>
- lib/EncodeFormat.pod
+ lib/Encode/EncFormat.pod
File renamed as suggested by Autrijius
! Encode.pm
! lib/Encode/Details.pod
! lib/Encode/Supported.pod Sun Mar 24 13:29:35 2002
! Encode.pm Sun Mar 24 13:43:47 2002
pod fixes by Autrijius.
Message-Id: <20020324062804.GA3595@not.autrijus.org>
Message-Id: <20020324075627.GB11986@not.autrijus.org>
! t/Alias.t
! lib/Encode/Alias.pm
! Encode.pm
now more EBCDIC conscious;
%ExtModules on EBCDIC system excludes CJK so that you don't
have to worry about the matched alias resulting cloaking.
t/Alias.t also revised to reflect changes. Verified by jhi
Message-Id: <20020324022929.D22596@alpha.hut.fi>
0.97 Sun Mar 24 2002
! CN/CN.pm
! KR/KR.pm
! TW/TW.pm
EBCDIC detection mechanism installed as in JP/JP.pm
Message-Id: <20020323211847.G19148@alpha.hut.fi>
! Byte/Makefile.PL
! CN/Makefile.PL
! EBCDIC/Makefile.PL
! JP/Makefile.PL
! KR/Makefile.PL
! Symbol/Makefile.PL
! TW/Makefile.PL
Now all table files used by compile are postfixed '_t' to avoid
namespace collisions in case insensitive file systems once for all!
inspired by:
Message-ID: <58290227735.20020323195659@familiehaase.de>
! t/Aliases.t
Since the Encode::JP is unsupported under EBCDIC we
cannot run this test (aliases as such should work fine) -- jhi
Message-Id: <20020323202119.D19148@alpha.hut.fi>
! Byte/Makefile.PL
duplicate occurance of ascii.ucm and 8859-1.ucm
causes MacOS X dlyd to cloak
! t/CN.t
! t/Encode.t
! t/JP.t
! t/TW.t
! t/Tcl.t
< chdir 't' if -d 't';
> if (! -d 'blib' and -d 't'){ chdir 't' };
When you are "make test"-ing on Encode/ directory, you must not
change $ENV{PWD}. t/JP.t has been fixed before but others somehow
remain unchanced. Also the situation detection was made simpler
in t/JP.t, which was originally;
> chdir 't' if -d 't' and $ENV{PWD} !~ m,/Encode[^/]*$,o;
! Encode.pm
"Use of uninitialized value in string eq at Encode.pm line 96."
! Symbol/Makefile.PL
! EBCDIC/Makefile.PL
-- Problem on case insensitive file systems
"coexist of ebcdic.c <> EBCDIC.c on Cygwin not possible"
Message-ID: <88254111953.20020323095503@familiehaase.de>
! compile
"So I think it's a bug in gcc, not perl. But it still needs to be
worked around."
Message-Id: <20020323145840.GD304@Bagpuss.unfortu.net>
Message-Id: <20020323170509.C96475@plum.flirble.org>
0.96 Sat Mar 23 2002
! TW/TW.pm
! lib/Encode/Encoding.pm
! lib/Encode/Alias.pm
! lib/Encode/Supported.pod
! KR/KR.pm
Pod Fixes by Michael G Schwern <schwern@pobox.com> via jhi
Message-ID: <20020322073908.GB10539@blackrider>
! Makefile.PL
! Encode.pm
"...I think we should include ISO 8859-1 as well." -- NI-S
Message-Id: <20020322120230.1332.8@bactrian.elixent.com>
! JP/JP.pm
! CN/CN.pm
! KR/KR.pm
! TW/TW.pm
! lib/Encode/Alias.pm
alias definitions relocated to Encode::Alias so module autoloading
works for aliases also.
! Encode.pm
encodings() now accepts args to check ExtModules.
+ Byte/Byte.pm
+ Byte/Makefile.PL
+ EBCDIC/Makefile.PL
+ Symbol/Makefile.PL
+ Symbol/Symbol.pm
! Encode.pm
! Encode.xs
Latin and single byte encodings are reorganized so they are
demand-loaded like Encode::XX. Now only ascii is compiled into
Encode itself.
! lib/Encode/Alias.pm
for my $k (keys %hash){ delete $hash{$k}; }
is depreciated; fixed.
0.95 Fri Mar 22 2002
In this update, pod rewrites and alias fixes are the main issues
+ lib/Encode/Supported.pod
Describes supported encodings
! Makefile.PL
streamlined compiled-in encodings.
! lib/Encode/Description.pod -> lib/Encode/Details.pod
+ Encode/ibm-125?.ucm
Added from icu distibution with any occurance of
"IBM-125?" to "cp125?". Filenames remain unchanged to pay
some respect to icu staff, however.
+ lib/Encode/Alias.pm
! Encode.pm
Alias difinitions in Encode.pm relocated.
! Encode.xs
packWARN patch from Paul Marquess via jhi
Message-Id: <20020321010101.O28978@alpha.hut.fi>
Paul added to AUTHORS as a result.
! t/CJKalias.t -> t/Aliases.t
Renamed. Checks even more aliases and alias overloading
! Encode.pm
! CN/CN.pm
duplicate alias for ujis => euc-jp removed (Encode::JP has one)
gbk => cp936 relocated to CN.pm
! t/CJKalias.t
Test::More with plans (by jhi)
0.94 Thu Mar 21 2002
+ lib/Encode/Description.pod
! lib/Encode/Encoding.pm
Now the pod in Encode.pm is abridged as programming references.
lib/Encode/Description.pod contains the original, detailed description
and Encode::Encoding explains how to write your own module to
add new encodings. So far, lib/Encode/Description.pod contains
the whole pod once in Encode.pm. This is intentional.
! Encode.pm
Pod revisions by Anton Tagunov
Message-Id: <517178431.20020320174824@motor.ru>
! lib/Encode/Tcl.pm
all occrance of Encode::Tcl::Extended removed including pod
! t/CJKalias.t
test now checks $encoding->name only; $encoding->{name} are
no longer check to find the canonical name.
! lib/Encode/JP/JIS.pm
! lib/Encode/JP/ISO_2022_JP.pm
->name() added to be more compliant with API
! CN/CN.pm
! JP/JP.pm
! KR/KR.pm
! TW/TW.pm
! t/CJKalias.t
Patch by Autrijus to add aliases to TW and fixes to POD
Message-Id: <20020320090619.GA24774@not.autrijus.org>
SADAHIRO Tomoyuki added as should. My apologies.
0.93 Wed Mar 20 2002
* First release to be uploaded to CPAN. For prehistoric changes,
please see Changes file of perl distibution as well as
perl-unicode@perl.org archive, available at:
Changes Since 0.92 includes;
+ Changes
! Encode.pm
+ Mention to perl-unicode@perl.org added
! JP/JP.pm
+ Encoding aliases added so you can feed locale names
and MIME Charset="" directly.
- Mention to JISX0212 removed because it's fixed
! CN/CN.pm
! KR/KR.pm
+ Encoding aliases added. Note TW is left untouched because
euc-tw is not implemented in TW but in Encode::HanExtra.
Autrijus, you may fix Encode::HanExtra.
+ t/CJKalias.t
+ to test encode aliases added