# $Id: Changes,v 0.81 2002/09/18 13:45:32 dankogai Exp dankogai $

$Revision: 0.81 $ $Date: 2002/09/18 13:45:32 $
! Jcode.pm
  jfold() fix by SATOH Fumiyasu <fumiya@samba.gr.jp>
  Message-Id: <878z1zv2l3.wl@sugar.net-thrust.com.net-thrust.com>

0.80  2002/05/03 00:19:55
! Jcode.pm    MANIFEST
+ t/length.t
  Jcode->jlength() method added by Miyagawa-kun
  Message-Id: <863cxal6c5.wl@mail.edge.co.jp>
! Changes
  More like that is used in Encode

0.79	2002/01/15
	* Typecast patches for AIX applied to Unicode/*.{xs,c}
	  KUSANO Takayuki <AE5T-KSN@asahi-net.or.jp>
0.78	2002/01/15
	As suggested by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <miyagawa@edge.co.jp>
	* pod linting in a podchecker-compliant manner
	* HISTORY -> Changes to be more CPAN-compliant	
0.77	2002/01/14
	* pod linting
	* Mention to Encode module added to pod
0.76	2001/12/17
	* mime_encode bug fixed
	  (jun.k <jun.k@isite.homeip.net>)
0.75    2001/07/19
	* (:?) -> (?:) (Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <miyagawa@edge.co.jp>)
	* fixed file permissions 
	  (Takahiro Kambe <taca@sky.yamashina.kyoto.jp>)
0.74    2001/07/17
	* optimization of debug (()->(:?))
	  (Hiroki Ohzaki <ohzaki@iod.ricoh.co.jp>)
	* H2Z bugfix (Mutsutoshi Yoshimoto <riku@freedom.co.jp>)
0.73    2001/06/13
        * euc -> jis conversion fails when it encounters
          consecutive hankaku kana then zenkaku kana
          (Mikage Sawatari<mikage@mikage.to>)
0.72    2001/06/01
        * $j->tr("a-Z", '', 'd') fixed
          (Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <miyagawa@edge.co.jp>)
	* t/tr.t rewritten to test that
0.71    2001/05/18
        * VERSIONing glitches on Jcode::Constants fixed
          (Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <miyagawa@edge.co.jp>)
        * _mkbuf is gone!
          -> Jcode::Constants is now sub free!
        * all *.pm passes podchecker(1) now
0.70	2001/05/16
	* euc -> jis code optimized
	  (Kazuto Ichimura <ichimura@shimada.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp>)
	* VERSIONing glitches on Jcode::Unicode fixed
	  (Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <miyagawa@edge.co.jp>)
0.69	2001/05/12
	* lots of code beautification done in response to
	Kazuto Ichimura <ichimura@shimada.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp>
0.68	2000/12/27
	* mime_encode(): regex bug that may spill hankaku kana
	  is fixed (ohzaki@iod.ricoh.co.jp)
          - t/mime.t modified to check this
	* mime_decode(): (?i:=\?ISO-2022-JP\?B\?) replaced with
	  =\?[Ii][Ss][Oo]-2022-[Jj][Pp]\?[Bb]\? to keep backward
	  compatibilty with perl 5.004 (shino@ifnet.or.jp)
0.67	2000/12/26
	* all bugs on mime_encode() reported by 
          shusuke@pop01.odn.ne.jp is fixed
	  - useless $bpl is now useful
	  - RE{EUC_0212} -> $RE{EUC_0212} at a regexp
0.66	2000/12/21
	* =?iso-2022-jp?b? is now case insensitive
	* documentation bug fixed (miyagawa@edge.co.jp)
	* $mime_header = $j->mime_encode() now accepts optional arguments
	* \x0a -> \n, \x0d -> \r unless suitable (ohzaki@iod.ricoh.co.jp)
0.65	2000/12/11
	* $jcode->mime_(de|en)code debug
	* t/mime.t added
0.64	2000/11/24
	* Same as 0.63; just misuploaded CPAN
0.63	2000/11/24
	* $jcode->mime_(de|en)code bugfix
          (thank you, ohzaki@iod.ricoh.co.jp;
	   I shamelessly stole your code)
0.62	2000/11/23
	* Jcode/Tr.pm -- allows 3-byte tr (maybe slow!)
        * $jcode->jfold() added
        * $jcode->mime_(de|en)code is more RFC2045-compliant
0.61	2000/11/15 (Unreleased)
	* Unicode/unicode.c -> Unicode/uni.c
          to avoid namespace breach on windoze
0.60	1999/10/18
	* all $& exterminated due to popular demand
0.59	1999/10/17
	* fixed jperl incompatibiliy (Thanx, watanabe!)
0.58	1999/07/28
	* (mac|win)_install.pl now deletes old files before installing
	  new ones.
	* ActivePerl Support (Win_Install.PL)
	* t/ scripts are now more compatible with Non-unix platforms
	* *_Install.PL renamed to *_install.pl to prevent MakeMaker
          from executing these files.
0.57	1999/07/27
	* Access Methods to misc. Jcode objecsts added
	* UTF8 detection supported by getcode
	* POD correction
0.56	1999/07/24
	* Jcode::getcode();  SJIS detection is now faster for MOST cases
	* POD correction
0.55	1999/07/23
	* Due to the popular demands, Non-XS version of modules are back!
	* Jcode::NKF dropped
        * Non-XS version of utf8 -> ucs2 conversion is much faster!
0.50    1999/07/21
        * Conversion routines are now all XS!
        * Significant Performance improvement everywhere
        * Especially Unicode-related routines
0.40    1999/07/16 (Internal only)
	* suggestion by ISHINO k16 <k16@softvision.co.jp>
	*  Unicode conversion now leaves ascii as it is
	*  unless $Jcode::Unicode::PEDANTIC is set
	* POD integrated in all .pm files
0.36    1999/07/15 (Internal only)
	* All modules has $VERSION now! (to make CPAN.pm happier)
	* All Octals are gone!
          (Hiroki Ohzaki <ohzaki@iod.ricoh.co.jp>)
	* Remarks on jcode.pl is moved from COPYRIGHT to ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
        * (C) of Unicode, Inc. added
0.35	1999/07/15
	* Jcode now internally stores a reference to string, not string
	* Furthur performance optimization. Jcode::convert() is now faster
          than jcode::convert() for most cases.
	* documentation fixes
0.30	1999/07/12
	* Regexp bug fixed (Jcode::Constants, $RE{JIS_0212})
	* H2Z bug fixed
	* Significant Code Optimization
	* Jcode->set() and Jcode->append() added for repeated use
0.21	1999/07/10
	* Typo correction
0.20	1999/07/10	2nd Preview Release
	* Code optimization
	* Unicode Support
	* Lots of Bug Fixes
0.10	1999/07/08	First Preview Release