# Revision history for Perl extension Lingua::JA::Numbers.
# $Id: Changes,v 0.3 2005/08/18 07:16:13 dankogai Exp dankogai $
$Revision: 0.3 $ $Date: 2005/08/18 07:16:13 $
  Now does what Lingua::JA::Number (note no 's' at the end) does
  EXACTLY as it does.
! lib/Lingua/JA/Numbers.pm
  ! POD =~  s/Linuga/Lingua/g, by nipotan
  ! minor tr/// fixup by daiba
! lib/Lingua/JA/Numbers.pm
  Minor fix that may cause ja2num($str) to fail when $str
  is tainted AND empty.

0.02 2005/08/17 20:37:43
! Makefile.PL
  s/use 5.008007/use 5.008001/; # yikes
! lib/Lingua/JA/Numbers.pm
  Made ja2num() less verbose without {debug=>1}.

0.01 2005/08/17 20:08:21
+ *
  First Release.