# $Id: Changes,v 0.41 2002/01/14 00:32:28 dankogai Exp dankogai $
0.41  2002.01.13
      * documention
      * verious fixes
0.40  2002.01.13
      - MoreFiles/*
        MacOSX::File now implements its own, FSSpec-free file
	copy function so MoreFiles is gone!
      + bin/pcpmac
      + bin/pmvmac
      * various bugfixes
0.30  2002.01.13
      + bin/pgetfinfo
      + bin/pgetfinfo
      + t/benchmark.pl
      ! common/util.c
        minor bug at dirname() fixed;
      ! FSp(Set|Rst)Lock done when and only when the target is file
        (When done to directory, Carbon slaps you with segfault!)
      * and lots of bug fixes and cleanups here and there
0.21  2002.01.10
      ! Info/Info.xs, Catalog/Catalog.xs 
        possible memory leak fixed
0.20  2002.01.10
      + MacOSX::File::Catalog added
      ! Info/Info.xs -- FSpRstLock() before FSSetCatalogInfo()
0.11  2002.01.08
      + File/Constants.pm
      ! Info/Info.pm -- constants moved to Constants.pm
      ! Info/Info.xs -- possible memory leak fixed.
0.10  2002.01.06
      First Release