# $Id: Changes,v 0.10 2003/06/02 20:11:07 dankogai Exp $
$Revision: 0.10 $ $Date: 2003/06/02 20:11:07 $
! *
  Version jumps to 0.10 do to radical changes, especially in
! Regexp/Optimizer.pm t/02-list.t t/03-utf8.t
  Aagh!  Why didn't I come up with such a simple idea !?
  ->optimize is completely rewritten.
  t/*.t is streamlined to reflect changes.
  Now ->optimize() *really* optimizes even for
  qr/(?:1|12)|123/.  Used to return qr/1(?:2?|23)/ but now it
  returns qr/1(?:23?)?/o
! Regexp/Optimizer.pm  Regexp/List.pm
  POD enhanced.

0.02 2003/06/01 00:11:26
! Regexp/Optimizer.pm  Regexp/List.pm
  * Lots of bug fixes regarding $o->optimize() for nested parens
! t/02-list.t
  Test data for #21 corrected
! t/03-utf8.t
  buggy SKIP: sections fixed.

0.01 2003/05/31 10:44:41
+ *
  0th release