2024-01-04 Dave Cross <dave@perlhacks.com>
* Version 1.5.1
* Fix references to ID3Lib (thanks Choroba)
* Improve CI (remove Travis)
2020-12-06 Dave Cross <dave@perlhacks.com>
* Version 1.5.0
* Various code improvements
* Add GitHub Actions
* Not released to CPAN for reasons that are lost in the mists of time
2020-11-05 Dave Cross <dave@perlhacks.com>
* Version 1.4.2
* Catch up on five years of fixes
* Better tests
* Code tidying
* Better version of Build.pm
2015-07-18 Dave Cross <dave@dave.org.uk>
* .gitignore, .travis.yml: Adde .gitignore and .travis.yml
2015-07-17 Dave Cross <dave@dave.org.uk>
* MANIFEST, lib/AudioFile/Info/MP3/Info.pm: Add META.yml to MANIFEST
2008-04-20 Dave Cross <dave@dave.org.uk>
* MANIFEST, README: Removed svn:executable from MANIFEST and README
* Build.PL: Fixed bug from previous fix.
* Build.PL: Cleaned up Build.PL. Switched to creating traditional makefile.
* lib/AudioFile/Info/Build.pm, lib/AudioFile/Info/MP3/Info.pm: Changed
$VERSION to use svn revision numbers. Added $VERSION to
* Build.PL: Removed svn:executable from Build.PL.
2006-06-15 Dave Cross <dave@dave.org.uk>
* MANIFEST, lib/AudioFile/Info/Build.pm, lib/AudioFile/Info/MP3/Info.pm,
t/2_write.t, t/4_pod_coverage.t: Added pod coverage tests and pod to pass
these tests.
2005-04-23 Dave Cross <dave@dave.org.uk>
* META.yml, Makefile.PL: Removed files that are autogenerated
2005-03-01 Dave Cross <dave@dave.org.uk>
* MANIFEST, t/2_write.t: Added (largely pointless) writing tests
* MANIFEST, lib/AudioFile/Info/MP3/Info.pm, t/3_pod.t: Added pod tests
2003-09-27 Dave Cross <dave@dave.org.uk>
* Build.PL, MANIFEST, META.yml, Makefile.PL, README,
lib/AudioFile/Info/Build.pm, lib/AudioFile/Info/MP3/Info.pm, t/1.t,
t/test.mp3: Initial revision