2004-05-13 20:38  dave

	* Makefile.PL (1.3), lib/WWW/MakeAShorterLink.pm (1.5): Moved
	module to ./lib
	* MANIFEST (1.4): Moved Module to ./lib

2004-05-13 20:16  dave

	* MANIFEST (1.3): Added META.yaml
	* t/pod.t (1.2): Updated pod tests
	* lib/WWW/MakeAShorterLink.pm (1.4): Doc patch
	* Changes (1.2): Removed Changes from CVS
	* MANIFEST (1.2): Replaced test.t with t/*.
	* test.pl (1.4), t/pod.t (1.1), t/test.t (1.1): Replaced test.pl
	with t/*.

2002-08-28 20:50  dave

	* lib/WWW/MakeAShorterLink.pm (1.3): Renamed to
	WWW::MakeAShorterLink.	Added makealongerlink
	* Makefile.PL (1.2): Cleaned Makefile.PL
	* test.pl (1.3): Added makealongerlink tests

2002-08-28 09:22  dave

	* lib/WWW/MakeAShorterLink.pm (1.2): Cleaned up LWP code
	* test.pl (1.2): Changed URL in test

2002-08-28 07:46  dave

	* Changes (, MANIFEST (, Makefile.PL (,
	README (, test.pl (, lib/WWW/MakeAShorterLink.pm
	( MakeAShorterLink
	* Changes (1.1), MANIFEST (1.1), Makefile.PL (1.1), README (1.1),
	test.pl (1.1), lib/WWW/MakeAShorterLink.pm (1.1): Initial revision