Revision history for Bytes::Random::Secure::Tiny
1.008 2015-07-08
- Shuffle handles empty arrayrefs more gracefully.
- Removed EGD support; use Bytes::Random::Secure if you need such
advanced support.
1.007 2015-07-07
- Added a shuffle method.
- Documentation tweaks.
1.006 2015-07-06
- Fixed the META_MERGE entry in Makefile.PL - the 'meta-spec' part was
in the wrong place, so the repo wasn't appearing in the metadata.
- The ABSTRACT_FROM was referring to the .pm file rather than the .pod
1.005 2015-07-05
- Fixed a mistake in the SYNOPSIS. Improved description of string_from.
1.004 2015-06-23
- Makefile.PL now requires Perl 5.8.
- _ranged_randoms returns an arrayref rather than array (microoptiomization)
1.003 2015-06-22
- Fix POD formatting issue.
- Split POD into separate file.
1.002 2015-06-21
- Set default seed to /dev/urandom, not /dev/random.
1.001 2015-06-21
- Revert PP::irand to using sprintf.
- Fix dependency tests so Windows dependencies are tested.
1.000 2015-06-20
- Initial CPAN release.
- Based on Bytes::Random::Secure, Crypt::Random::Seed,
and Math::Random::ISAAC