Revision history for Perl module Class::User::DBI

0.10 2012-12-07
  - Fixed META_MERGE provides field for proper CPAN indexing (broken
    in 0.09).

0.09 2012-12-05
  - add_user(): Better handling of possible race condition if user 
    already exists. Previously an exception could be thrown on 
    attempt to add twice, since the DB only allows unique entries.  
    Now undef is returned.
  - add_user(): Transaction tests for existence of user ahead of add.

0.08 2012-11-02
  - "Changes" now CPAN::Changes::Spec compliant.
  - t/09-changes.t added to verify compliance.

0.07 2012-09-27
  - Eliminated some code that prevented running under pre-5.10 Perls (we
    should be ok through 5.8.x now, again).

0.06 2012-08-30
  - Changed 'id' datatype to BIGINT in user_ips table to resolve issue where
    mysql and sqlite have different ways of designating an unsigned int type.
    Failure to designate an unsigned int (or larger) for IP storage results
    in unreliable round-trip.

0.05 2012-08-21
  - Added setter and getter for ip_required field for users.
  - load_profile() now also includes an ip_required field.
  - Minor documentation updates.

0.04 2012-08-15
  - Class::User::DBI->list_users now returns a sorted list, and includes all
    fields except salt and passphrase hash.

0.03 2012-07-23
  - Corrected some POD typos.
  - Fixed a spelling mistake in the META_MERGE segment within Makefile.PL
  - POD enhancements regarding configuration, examples, and explanation of
    the class heirarchy.

0.02 2012-07-22
  - Major rewrite.
  - Added Domains, UserDomains, Roles, Privileges, and RolePrivileges classes.
  - Full POD rewrite.
  - Many bugfixes.
  - Added ./examples/
  - Reconfigured ./scripts/cudbi-configdb
  - Many new test.
  - Fully operational now.
  - API has stabilized.

0.01_002 2012-06-11
  - Corrected some example code in the POD.
  - Added cudbi-configdb script to scripts/ for automatic database setup.
  - Added a note to the POD about cudbi-configdb.
  - Still beta quality.

0.01_001 2012-06-09
  - First version.
  - Beta.