Revision history for Perl module JSON::Tiny
0.42 2014-02-20
- Document die on failure for j().
- More tests.
- u007f isn't mentioned in RFC4627.
- Adapt a few Mojo::JSON commits.
- Eradicate '//' (again).
- Slim the distribution.
0.41 2014-02-19
- ADD decode_json and encode_json functions.
- Fix small decoding error.
- Minor optimizations.
- Handle encoding errors gracefully.
- Fix line numbers in error messages.
- Test all decoding errors.
0.40 2014-01-16
- Minor optimization: encode().
- Linkify RFC mention in POD.
- Makefile.PL: Fixed small bug with PREREQ_PM hashref.
0.39 2013-12-04
- POD refinements.
0.38 2013-12-03
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS recognizes that chansen's GitHub Gist was Mojo::JSON's
0.37 2013-11-21
- Removed useless minimum dependency version checks from Makefile.PL.
- JSON::Tiny is not relaxed (POD update).
0.36 2013-11-08
- JSON::Tiny had incorrect value associated with escaped special
character \b (was \x07). Correctly associate with 0x08.
- Tests to prove fix.
- Sync Mojo::JSON commit 42fb62087a, etc. from 2014-11-08.
0.35 2013-10-16
- References to a scalar (even if blessed) will encode to Boolean types.
0.34 2013-10-15
- Added t/22-bool.t to test overriding Boolean decoding behavior.
- Documented overriding Booleans.
0.33 2013-10-15
- Change 'my $TRUE' and 'my $FALSE' to 'our' so users can override
Booleans if desired. (
- Added additional META info via Makefile.PL (Git repo, Meta spec versn.)
0.32 2013-06-22
- j() dies on non-parsable JSON.
- Document j() throws exception on failure to decode.
- Minor performance tweaks.
- Known issues: Perl 5.8.9 or older: May segfault decoding JSON strings
larger than 22k.
0.31 2013-06-19
- Improve documentation on Exporter dependency for Pre-5.8.4 Perl.
0.30 2013-06-19
- Push minimum Perl version back to 5.8.4 (was 5.10). (tye)
- Document INCOMPATIBILITIES about upgrading Exporter to facilitate
running under earlier Perl versions.
0.29 2013-06-18
- Added tests for empty keys.
- Revised UTF patterns.
0.28 2013-05-31
- Tests for "inf" and "nan" made more portable. Close RT# 85775.
0.27 2013-05-15
- Fixed JSON::Tiny to encode "inf" and "nan" values as strings.
0.26 2013-05-13
- Change heuristics for number detection to better match user expectations.
0.25 2012-03-05
- Add test "Decode object with duplicate keys" (kraih/mojo e4874cba)
0.24 2012-03-01
- POD improvements.
0.23 2013-02-27
- Sync with kraih/mojo 747f08d2 (Feb 3, 2013).
- Add 'j' function (and Exporter dependency).
- POD tweaks, incl. documentation for 'j' function.
- Tests for 'j'.
0.22 2012-11-02
- Enable lexical warnings for JSON/
- Silence unwanted Perl Criticizims.
- Make "Changes" W3CDTF compliant.
- Add optional release test t/09-changes.t: "Changes" standards compliance.
0.21 2012-10-27
- Add boolean shortcut support to JSON::Tiny (Mojolicious v3.52).
- Fix small context bugs (Mojolicious v3.51).
0.20 2012-10-04
- Bump version number to .20: avoid confusion with Perl6 module by same name.
- POD improvements.
- Drop "ref($class) || $class;" from constructor.
- Drop 'beta'.
0.01 2012-10-03
- Initial release.
- JSON::Tiny adapted from Mojo::JSON.
- t/20-mojo-json.t adapted from Mojolicious/t/mojo/json.t
- Mojolicious dependencies removed.
- Artistic 2.0 license matches Mojolicious.