Revision history for Class-Mixin
* make warnings optional via import() params (debug level).
* support Class::Mixin::foo subclassing
* return value on unsync (and update destroy-* tests)
* optional filters to unsync
* optional filters for which methods to mixin to/from.
* make OBJ a 'our $OBJ' package var?
* get to 100% coverage
* param to mixin from parents (traverse @ISA) of source class.
* import() should call resync() directly in case of manual import() runtime call??
* review warnings::register usage
* added t/warnings.t
* unload all
1.00 2008-05-26
* ==> Changed internal storage of what's mixed in to what ... Previously would only 'remember' one method per class. Did away w/the constructed key as well. Now it's a hashref that's {srcClass}->{destClass} = [ {}, {}, ... ] where the array is an AoH with info (including symbol) on each mixin'd method.
* DESTROY wasn't functional (multiple reasons) -- refactored to include bug fixes, and to support interal change.
* Added t/mixin-to.t
* Added t/mixin-from.t
* Added t/boilerplate.t
* added t/destroy-to.t
* added t/destroy-from.t
* added t/errors.t
* added t/import.t
* 90% coverage
* pod updates (SYNOPSIS, "Desctructor" typo, HISTORY, AUTHOR, OVERVIEW, SYNOPSIS)
* changed here-doc to q{} for style and hoping it resolves perl 5.10 test failures
0.02 2008-05-08
* David Westbrook added as co-maintainer.
* Updating repository with 7/15/2004 version.
* Distro restructured using Module::Starter.
0.01 2003-11-13
* Initial release of 6/12/2003 version.