# Changes
#   Revision history for Template::Directive::XSSAudit
#   David Bartle   <dbartle@mediatemple.net>

# Version  1.02 - 10th Aug 2010

* META.yml now contains more resources such as repository, bugtracker
  and homepage (thanks to t0m on irc.perl.org/#catalyst for pointing
  this out)
* Documentation updated to reflect new error output format
* Documentation for ttxsscheck updated to have more information

# Version  1.01 - 6th Aug 2010

* on_filtered callback created so that sucessfully filtered variables
  can be tracked as well. This will facilitate creating reports geared
  toward ratios of filtered and unfiltered output variables.
* The ttxsscheck script was updated to also print out successful filters

# Version  1.00 - 5th Aug 2010

* callback parameters are completely reworked (NOT BACKWARD COMPATIBLE)
* line and file information is now found more often
* String literals no longer count as something needing escaping
* ttxsscheck script created for running reports on the command line

# Version  0.05 - 3rd Aug 2010

* Initial public release