package Bio::FastParsers::Blast::Xml::Statistics; # ABSTRACT: NCBI BLAST DTD-derived internal class $Bio::FastParsers::Blast::Xml::Statistics::VERSION = '0.180470'; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; # AUTOGENERATED CODE! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! use XML::Bare qw(forcearray); # private attributes has '_root' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef', required => 1, ); # public array(s) of composed objects # public composed object(s) # public methods sub db_len { return shift->_root->{'Statistics_db-len'}->{'value'} } sub db_num { return shift->_root->{'Statistics_db-num'}->{'value'} } sub eff_space { return shift->_root->{'Statistics_eff-space'}->{'value'} } sub entropy { return shift->_root->{'Statistics_entropy'}->{'value'} } sub hsp_len { return shift->_root->{'Statistics_hsp-len'}->{'value'} } sub kappa { return shift->_root->{'Statistics_kappa'}->{'value'} } sub lambda { return shift->_root->{'Statistics_lambda'}->{'value'} } # public aliases __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Bio::FastParsers::Blast::Xml::Statistics - NCBI BLAST DTD-derived internal class =head1 VERSION version 0.180470 =head1 SYNOPSIS # see Bio::FastParsers::Blast::Xml =head1 DESCRIPTION This class implements the C<Statistics> level of the XML BLAST parser. =head1 METHODS =head2 db_len Returns the value of the element C<<Statistics_db-len>>. # $statistics is a Bio::FastParsers::Blast::Xml::Statistics my $db_len = $statistics->db_len; This method does not accept any arguments. =head2 db_num Returns the value of the element C<<Statistics_db-num>>. # $statistics is a Bio::FastParsers::Blast::Xml::Statistics my $db_num = $statistics->db_num; This method does not accept any arguments. =head2 eff_space Returns the value of the element C<<Statistics_eff-space>>. # $statistics is a Bio::FastParsers::Blast::Xml::Statistics my $eff_space = $statistics->eff_space; This method does not accept any arguments. =head2 entropy Returns the value of the element C<<Statistics_entropy>>. # $statistics is a Bio::FastParsers::Blast::Xml::Statistics my $entropy = $statistics->entropy; This method does not accept any arguments. =head2 hsp_len Returns the value of the element C<<Statistics_hsp-len>>. # $statistics is a Bio::FastParsers::Blast::Xml::Statistics my $hsp_len = $statistics->hsp_len; This method does not accept any arguments. =head2 kappa Returns the value of the element C<<Statistics_kappa>>. # $statistics is a Bio::FastParsers::Blast::Xml::Statistics my $kappa = $statistics->kappa; This method does not accept any arguments. =head2 lambda Returns the value of the element C<<Statistics_lambda>>. # $statistics is a Bio::FastParsers::Blast::Xml::Statistics my $lambda = $statistics->lambda; This method does not accept any arguments. =head1 AUTHOR Denis BAURAIN <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by University of Liege / Unit of Eukaryotic Phylogenomics / Denis BAURAIN. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut