package Bio::MUST::Apps::Leel::AliProcessor; # ABSTRACT: Internal class for leel tool $Bio::MUST::Apps::Leel::AliProcessor::VERSION = '0.210370'; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; use autodie; use feature qw(say); use Smart::Comments -ENV; use Carp; use File::Basename; use List::AllUtils 'uniq'; use Path::Class qw(file); use Test::Deep::NoTest 'eq_deeply'; use Bio::MUST::Core; use Bio::MUST::Core::Utils qw(:filenames secure_outfile); use aliased 'Bio::MUST::Core::Ali'; use aliased 'Bio::MUST::Core::GeneticCode::Factory'; use aliased 'Bio::MUST::Apps::SlaveAligner::Local'; use aliased 'Bio::MUST::Apps::Leel::OrgProcessor'; with 'Bio::MUST::Apps::Roles::AliProcable'; has 'run_proc' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Bio::MUST::Apps::Leel::RunProcessor', required => 1, ); has '+ali' => ( handles => { protein_for => 'get_seq_with_id', }, ); has 'cds_ali' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Bio::MUST::Core::Ali', init_arg => undef, lazy => 1, builder => '_build_cds_ali', ); ## no critic (ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines) sub _build_cds_ali { return Ali->new( file => shift->ali->filename ); } sub _build_integrator { return Local->new( ali => shift->cds_ali ); } ## use critic sub _check_ali_by_translation { my $self = shift; my $rp = $self->run_proc; # build genetic codes for all orgs # Note: we uses the raw config file to fetch code ids... # ... if code ids are not specified behavior is not defined # ... (because the code attribute default has yet been triggered) my $gc_fac = Factory->new; my %code_for = map { $_->{org} => $gc_fac->code_for( $_->{code} ) } $rp->all_orgs; # translate aligned transcripts to aligned proteins (using right code)... # ... sort seqs according to full_id... # ... and uniformize gap/missing chars my $cds_ali = $self->cds_ali; my @got_seqs = sort { $a->full_id cmp $b->full_id } map { $code_for{ $_->full_org }->translate($_, 1)->gapify } $cds_ali->all_seqs; # fetch original proteins my $ali = $self->ali; my @exp_seqs = sort { $a->full_id cmp $b->full_id } map { $_->gapify } $ali->all_seqs; # build uniformized versions of translated and original Alis my $got_ali = Ali->new( seqs => \@got_seqs )->uniformize; my $exp_ali = Ali->new( seqs => \@exp_seqs )->uniformize; # check congruence between translated and original Alis unless (eq_deeply $got_ali, $exp_ali) { carp '[ALI] Warning: round-trip check failed;' . ' writing -got and -exp files!'; # build ALI outfile honoring out_dir and out_suffix # TODO: try to avoid code duplication here? my $cds_ali = $self->cds_ali; my $outfile = $cds_ali->filename; $outfile = file( $rp->out_dir, basename($outfile) ) if $rp->out_dir; $got_ali->store( secure_outfile($outfile, '-got') ); $exp_ali->store( secure_outfile($outfile, '-exp') ); } return; } sub BUILD { my $self = shift; my $rp = $self->run_proc; my $ali = $self->ali; #### [ALI] #seqs: $ali->count_seqs unless ($ali->count_seqs) { #### [ALI] empty file; skipping! return; } for my $org ($rp->all_orgs) { #### [ALI] Processing ORG: $org->{org} OrgProcessor->new( ali_proc => $self, %{$org} ); } unless ($rp eq 'off') { #### [ALI] Making delayed indels... $self->integrator->make_indels; if ($rp->round_trip_mode eq 'on') { #### [ALI] Retranslating nucleotide sequences... $self->_check_ali_by_translation; } } # build ALI outfile honoring out_dir and out_suffix my $cds_ali = $self->cds_ali; my $outfile = insert_suffix($cds_ali->filename, $rp->out_suffix); $outfile = file( $rp->out_dir, basename($outfile) ) if $rp->out_dir; #### [ALI] Writing nucleotide file... $cds_ali->store( secure_outfile($outfile) ); return; } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Bio::MUST::Apps::Leel::AliProcessor - Internal class for leel tool =head1 VERSION version 0.210370 =head1 AUTHOR Denis BAURAIN <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by University of Liege / Unit of Eukaryotic Phylogenomics / Denis BAURAIN. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut