0.180770  2018-03-18 14:40:30+01:00 Europe/Brussels
    - Additions
      - Blast: added support for BMD_BLAST_BINDIR environment variable
      - ClustalO: new driver
      - Mafft: new driver
    - Fixes
      - CdHit: tests are now disabled in case of missing dependency
0.180270  2018-01-28 00:13:26+01:00 Europe/Brussels
    - Additions
      - CdHit: new driver
    - Changes
      - Blast: changed API for a database-centered view; breaks existing code!
      - Hmmer: changed API for a model-centered view; breaks existing code!
    - Fixes
      - Blast::Database: now handles multipart databases (such as local nr)
      - Blast: updated remote tests to BLAST 2.7.1+

0.173510  2017-12-17 15:32:25+01:00 Europe/Brussels
    - first release