0.004 2021-04-21 21:27:52 EDT
- Fork-safety in error handling and cleanup
- set_response_status now also accepts a full status string which will be passed as-is
- Remove the response_charset method
- Prohibit newline characters in response header values to prevent HTTP response splitting vulnerabilities
0.003 2021-04-21 03:31:54 EDT
- Add set_nph method and support NPH response mode
- Add cookies and cookie methods to parse request cookies
- Add add_response_cookie method to set response cookies
- Add CGI::Tiny::epoch_to_date and CGI::Tiny::date_to_epoch convenience functions
- Set Date header in all responses
- Pass the CGI::Tiny object to the cgi block as $_ instead of in @_
- Remove the request_body_limit method
- Handle when exit is called without rendering a response
0.002 2021-04-19 03:59:16 EDT
- Remove header_names method
- Throw an exception if render is called with an unknown type
0.001 2021-04-19 00:43:20 EDT
- First release