4.000 2018-04-16 14:58:35 EDT
- Minion requirement bumped to 9.0.
- Replace queue, state, and task options of list_jobs method with queues,
states, and tasks options.
- Replace name option of list_locks method with names option.
- Replace key/value arguments of note method with a hash reference.
- Add parents option to retry_job method.
- Re-add active_locks stats field.
3.003 2017-12-10 16:00:33 EST
- Remove active_locks stats field as it was incorrect.
- Fix list_locks to exclude already expired locks.
3.002 2017-12-09 21:42:19 EST
- Add list_locks method.
- Add active_locks field to stats.
3.001 2017-11-28 21:57:15 EST
- Fix condition in dequeue that could lead to calling usleep with a negative
time. (toratora, #12)
3.000 2017-11-17 20:20:58 EST
- Minion requirement bumped to 8.0.
- Remove job_info and worker_info methods.
- Support ids option and return total from list_jobs and list_workers methods.
- Add uptime field to stats method (always undef for SQLite).
2.004 2017-11-11 16:17:27 EST
- Add dequeue_interval attribute and check for jobs in 0.5 second intervals
by default. (#10)
2.003 2017-08-07 16:04:18 EDT
- Fix tests for rethrown job exceptions in Minion 7.05.
2.002 2017-08-05 12:01:08 EDT
- Add id option to dequeue method to support dequeueing a specific job.
- Add attempts option to retry_job method.
2.001 2017-07-20 02:40:46 EDT
- Bump Mojo::SQLite requirement to 3.000 to support sharing the database
connection cache with existing Mojo::SQLite objects.
2.000 2017-06-26 00:42:49 EDT
- Add support for rate limiting and unique jobs with lock and unlock methods.
- Add support for job metadata with note method, notes option for enqueue
method, and notes field in job_info method.
1.000 2017-04-14 14:54:28 EDT
- Support retrying active jobs in retry_job.
- Support sharing worker status information in register_worker and
0.009 2016-12-19 20:34:58 EST
- Increase dependency on Mojo::SQLite for memory leak fix
0.008 2016-12-16 22:36:53 EST
- Correct ordering of dequeued jobs that are created in the same second.
0.007 2016-09-19 20:30:32 EDT
- Add support for worker remote control commands with broadcast and receive
- Fix tests for compatibility with Minion 6.0.
0.006 2016-09-06 23:22:20 EDT
- Add support for EXPERIMENTAL enqueued_jobs field in stats method.
0.005 2016-07-02 20:46:32 EDT
- Add support for EXPERIMENTAL delayed_jobs field in stats method.
- Add queue option to list_jobs method.
- Add support for job dependencies.
- Add parents option to enqueue method.
- Add children and parents fields to job_info method.
0.004 2016-03-16 21:52:15 EDT
- Bump Mojo::SQLite dependency to 0.020 for JSON1 support
- Use JSON1 fields for job args and result
- Use new Mojo::SQLite auto_migrate feature
- Various optimizations from Minion::Backend::Pg including much faster dequeue
0.003 2015-11-13 20:19:45 EST
- Updated to support Minion 4.0
- Allow retry methods to change options for already inactive jobs
0.002 2015-10-30 17:35:29 EDT
- Added support for retrying failed jobs automatically in Minion 3.01
0.001 2015-10-28 21:59:55 EDT
- First release