1.000     2017-08-22 20:11:11 EDT
  - Use IO::Async::Loop->really_new for nested loops instead of instances of Mojo::Reactor::Poll
  - Switch installer to Module::Build::Tiny
  - Various optimizations

0.005     2015-04-27 18:43:55 EDT
  - Support sequential next_tick

0.004     2015-03-21 15:32:22-04:00 America/New_York
  - Updated again and watch methods to croak on inactive watchers

0.003     2015-02-23 13:54:03-05:00 America/New_York
  - Remove deprecated is_readable method from tests
  - Set default Mojo::Reactor
  - Add hypnotoad example to synopsis

0.002     2015-02-15 13:20:18-05:00 America/New_York
  - More efficiency when overwriting existing I/O callback
  - Update IO::Async requirement to 0.65 for select bugfix RT#101919

0.001     2015-02-01 16:49:26-05:00 America/New_York
  - First release