use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::WebService::Twitter;
use Mojo::WebService::Twitter::Util 'twitter_authorize_url';

our $VERSION = '0.001';

my $api_key = $ENV{TWITTER_API_KEY};
my $api_secret = $ENV{TWITTER_API_SECRET};

my $twitter = Mojo::WebService::Twitter->new;
unless (defined $api_key and defined $api_secret) {
	print "Enter Twitter API key: ";
	chomp($api_key = readline STDIN);
	print "Enter Twitter API secret: ";
	chomp($api_secret = readline STDIN);

my $res = $twitter->request_oauth('oob');
my $request_token = $res->{oauth_token};
print "Please go to the following URL to authorize this Twitter application to make requests on your behalf.\n";
print twitter_authorize_url($request_token) . "\n";

print "Enter authorization PIN: ";
chomp(my $pin = readline STDIN);

$res = $twitter->verify_oauth($pin, $request_token);
my ($access_token, $access_token_secret) = @$res{'oauth_token','oauth_token_secret'};
my $user = $twitter->authentication(oauth => $access_token, $access_token_secret)->verify_credentials;

print "OAuth credentials for \@" . $user->screen_name . ":\n";
print "Access token: $access_token\n";
print "Access token secret: $access_token_secret\n";

=head1 NAME

twitter_oauth_creds - Script to retrieve OAuth 1.0 credentials for a Twitter


 $ twitter_oauth_creds


L<twitter_oauth_creds> is an interactive script for retrieving OAuth 1.0
credentials to authorize a Twitter application to act on behalf of a user. It
implements Twitter's L<PIN-based authorization flow|https://dev.twitter.com/oauth/pin-based>.

The script will first prompt for your application's Twitter API key and secret,
which you can obtain L<here|https://apps.twitter.com>. The API key and secret
can also be passed as environment variables C<TWITTER_API_KEY> and
C<TWITTER_API_SECRET>. It will then print an authorization URL which the user
should go to in order to authorize the application. The user will receive a PIN
after authorizing, which should be entered back into the script to receive an
access token and secret. The token and secret can be stored and used to
authorize the application on behalf of that user in the future, such as with

=head1 BUGS

Report any issues on the public bugtracker.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dan Book <dbook@cpan.org>


This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Dan Book.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Mojo::WebService::Twitter>, L<WWW::OAuth>