0.006     2021-06-16 01:04:48 EDT
  - Update IRC metadata to libera.chat

0.005     2018-10-18 19:16:25 EDT
  - Added a proxy object for calling helpers more efficiently as 'h'

0.004     2018-10-16 19:32:20 EDT
  - Deprecated calling helpers directly as template variables in favor of
    calling them via the 'c' controller variable, to disambiguate helpers from
    stash variables

0.003     2018-06-14 17:45:49 EDT
  - Removed randomly failing OUTLINE_TAG test
  - Fix rendering and including empty data templates

0.002     2015-10-20 20:03:54 EDT
  - Added Template::Provider::Mojo to resolve templates using
    Mojolicious::Renderer directly

0.001     2015-10-20 01:43:29 EDT
  - First release