0.021 2017-06-03 19:49:16 EDT
- Be more lenient when trying to detect postderef for DeprecatedFeatures autoderef violations
0.020 2017-05-15 20:45:02 EDT
- Updates to documentation for DeprecatedFeatures and DiscouragedModules policies
- Add require ::Foo::Bar to DeprecatedFeatures policy
- Remove qr//xx from DeprecatedFeatures policy as this is now a valid regex modifier in 5.26.
0.019 2017-01-29 22:13:34 EST
- Add autoderef to DeprecatedFeatures policy
0.018 2016-12-08 21:32:40 EST
- Add IndirectObjectNotation policy
0.017 2016-09-29 17:24:15 EDT
- DeprecatedFeatures will now consider "use UNIVERSAL;" a policy violation
- Add OverloadOptions policy
0.016 2016-07-02 17:53:20 EDT
- Support <<>> operator in WhileDiamondDefaultAssignment policy
- Fixes for DeprecatedFeatures checking of /xx violations
0.015 2016-07-02 03:20:35 EDT
- add ArrayAssignAref policy
- update DeprecatedFeatures policy with features deprecated in 5.22 and to be removed in 5.26
0.014 2016-01-26 20:45:18 EST
- allow pairwise in DollarAB policy
- allow DollarAB pair functions to be extended
0.013 2015-12-17 18:07:03 EST
- Add ConditionalDeclarations policy
0.012 2015-10-16 15:13:21 EDT
- add IO::Socket::INET6 to discouraged modules
- Fix EmptyReturn to avoid reporting violations in void context functions
- Add POSIXImports policy
- Add ConditionalImplicitReturn policy
0.011 2015-09-15 13:32:44 EDT
- add Getopt::Std to discouraged modules
- Fix EmptyReturn to catch more cases
- Add DeprecatedFeatures policy
0.010 2015-08-28 17:11:40 EDT
- Fix Changes
- Change installer to Module::Build::Tiny
0.009 2015-08-27 15:09:22 EDT
- Add Class::DBI, Error.pm, and Readonly.pm to discouraged modules
0.008 2015-08-25 21:42:10 EDT
- Various documentation updates
- Add Switch.pm to discouraged modules
0.007 2015-08-15 17:18:23 EDT
- fix StrictWarnings parsing of "use VERSION" (Tux)
- handle readline/readdir/each in WhileDiamondDefaultAssignment
0.006 2015-07-30 22:34:15 EDT
- just use core policy for AmpersandSubCalls
- add clarification for policies that are similar to core policies
0.005 2015-07-13 10:49:45 EDT
- fix false positives in DollarAB policy
0.004 2015-07-01 17:21:16 EDT
- use default strict/warnings importers from Perl::Critic::Utils::Constants
0.003 2015-06-27 17:53:00 EDT
- allow prototypes containing &
- add Each polciy
- make StrictWarnings policy configurable with extra importers
0.002 2015-06-27 00:07:19 EDT
- add AmpersandSubCalls policy
- add policy abstracts
0.001 2015-06-26 21:01:32 EDT
- First release