# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kavod Technologies, Dan Browning. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE for more info.

package Business::Shipping::RateRequest;

=head1 NAME

Business::Shipping::RateRequest - Abstract class for shipping cost estimation

=head1 VERSION

$Rev: 159 $      $Date: 2004-09-09 20:26:14 -0700 (Thu, 09 Sep 2004) $


Abstract Class: real implementations are done in subclasses.

Represents a request for shipping cost estimation.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4


$VERSION = do { my $r = q$Rev: 159 $; $r =~ /\d+/; $&; };

use strict;
use warnings;
use base ( 'Business::Shipping' );
use Data::Dumper;
use Business::Shipping::Util;
use Business::Shipping::Logging;
use Business::Shipping::Config;
use Cache::FileCache;

=item * is_success()

Boolean.  1 = Rate Request was successful.

=item * cache()

Boolean.  1 = Save results using Cache::FileCache, and reload them if an 
identical request is made later.  See submit() for implementation details.

=item * invalid()

Boolean.  1 = Rate request was invalid, because user supplied invalid data. This
can be useful in determining whether or not to log incident reports (see 
UserTag/business-shipping.tag for an example implementation).

=item * results()

Hashref.  Stores the results of a rate request, for example:

   'UPS' => [ 
                id      => 1,
                charges => 10.50
                id      => 2,
                charges => 23.00
See _handle_response() for implementation details. 

=item * shipment()

Stores a Business::Shipping::Shipment object.  Many methods are forwarded to it.
At this time, each RateRequest only has one Shipment.


use Class::MethodMaker 2.0
    [ new => [ qw/ -hash new / ],
      scalar        => [ 'is_success', 'cache', 'invalid' ],
      scalar        => [ 'shipper' ],
      scalar        => [ 'results' ],
      scalar        => [ '_total_charges' ],
      scalar        => [ 'price_components' ],
      scalar => [ { -type    => 'Business::Shipping::Shipment',
                    -forward => [ 
      scalar => [ { -static => 1, 
                    -default => "shipment=>Business::Shipping::Shipment" 
      scalar => [ { -static => 1, -default => 'shipper' }, 'Required' ],
      scalar => [ { -static => 1, -default => 'shipper' }, 'Unique'   ]

=item $shipment->go( %args )

This method sets some values (optional), performs the request, then parses the


sub go
    my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
    #trace( "( " . uneval( %args ) . " )" );
    $self->init( %args ) if %args;
    $self->validate() or return;
    my $cache = Cache::FileCache->new() if $self->cache();
    if ( $self->cache() ) {
        trace( 'cache enabled' );    

        my $key = $self->gen_unique_key();
        debug "cache key = $key\n";
        my $results = $cache->get( $key );
        if ( $results ) {
            trace( "found cached response, using that." );
            $self->results( $results );
            return 1;
        else {
            trace( 'Cannot find cached results, running request manually, then add to cache.' );
    else {
        trace( 'cache disabled' );
    my $results = $self->results();
    debug 'results = ' . Dumper( $results );
    # Only cache if there weren't any errors.
    if ( $self->_handle_response() and $self->cache() ) {    
        trace( 'cache enabled, saving results.' );
        # TODO: Allow setting of cache properties (time limit, enable/disable, etc.)
        my $key = $self->gen_unique_key();
        my $new_cache = Cache::FileCache->new();
        $new_cache->set( $key, $results, "2 days" );
    else {
        trace( 'cache disabled, not saving results.' );
    debug "returning " . ( $self->is_success || 'undef' );
    return $self->is_success();

*submit = *go;

=item * validate()

Does some validation common to all RateRequest objects, but most of the 
validation goes on in the subclass.


sub validate
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    trace '()';
    my $return_val = $self->SUPER::validate;
    my @invalid_rate_requests_ups = config_to_ary_of_hashes( 
        cfg()->{ invalid_rate_requests }->{ invalid_rate_requests_ups }
    foreach my $invalid_rate_request ( @invalid_rate_requests_ups ) {
        # Look for an exact match
        my $matches = 0;
        foreach my $option ( keys %$invalid_rate_request ) {
            my $not_logic = 0;
            if ( $invalid_rate_request->{ $option } =~ s/^\!// ) {
                $not_logic = 1;
            if ( $option eq 'reason' ) {
                $matches++;  # Just fudge it so the count will be correct.
            elsif ( $self->can( $option ) and $self->$option() ) {
                debug3( "checking $option... matches = $matches" );
                if ( $not_logic ) {
                    if ( $self->$option() ne $invalid_rate_request->{ $option } ) {
                        debug3( $self->$option() . " does not equal " . $invalid_rate_request->{ $option } );
                else {
                    if ( $self->$option() eq $invalid_rate_request->{ $option } ) {
                        debug3( $self->$option() . " equals " . $invalid_rate_request->{ $option } );
        #debug( "matches = $matches, keys = " . keys %$invalid_rate_request );
        # If all keys matched (i.e. the number of matches == the number of keys )
        if ( $matches == keys %$invalid_rate_request ) {
            my $reason = ( $invalid_rate_request->{ reason } ? '  ' . $invalid_rate_request->{ reason } : '' ); 
            $self->invalid( 1 );
            $self->user_error( "Rate request invalid.$reason  See the configuration file for more information." );
            $return_val = 0;
    return $return_val;

=item * get_unique_hash()

Calls unique() on all subclasses to determine a list of unique elements.

Returns a hash of element_name => element_value.  Used by gen_unique_key().


sub get_unique_hash
    my $self = shift;
    my %unique;
    my @Unique = $self->get_grouped_attrs( 'Unique' );
    debug( "Unique attributes for this RateRequest are: " . join( ',', @Unique ) ); 
    for ( @Unique ) {
        if ( $self->can( $_ ) ) {
            $unique{ $_ } = $self->$_;
    foreach my $package ( $self->shipment->packages() ) {
        foreach my $package_unique_key ( $package->get_grouped_attrs( 'Unique', object => $package ) ) {
            $unique{ 'p1_' . $package_unique_key } = $package->$package_unique_key();
    return %unique;

=item * hash_to_sorted_values()

Sorts hash alphabetically, then returns just the values.  (So that the key will
have the values sorted in the same order always).


sub hash_to_sorted_values
    my $self = shift;
    my ( %hash ) = @_;
    my @sorted_values;
    foreach my $key ( sort keys %hash ) {
        push @sorted_values, ( $hash{ $key } || '' );
    return @sorted_values;

=item * gen_unique_key( )

Calls get_unique_hash(), sorts them with hash_to_sorted_values(), then returns 
them in string format.


sub gen_unique_key
    my $self = shift;
    my %unique = $self->get_unique_hash();
    my @sorted_values = $self->hash_to_sorted_values( %unique ); 
    return join( '|', @sorted_values );

=item * total_charges()

Iterates the $self->results hash and sums the charges from each 
package->charges.  Returns the total.


sub total_charges
    my $self = shift;
    my $total;
    my $shippers = $self->results;
    foreach my $shipper ( keys %$shippers ) {
        debug3 "\tshipper: $shipper\n";
        my $packages = $self->results->{ $shipper };        
        foreach my $package ( @$packages ) {
            #debug3 "\t" . uneval( $package );
            my $charges = $package->{ 'charges' };
            if ( $charges ) {
                debug3 "\t\tcharges = $charges\n";
                $total += $charges;
    return Business::Shipping::Util::currency( { no_format => 1 }, $total );

=item * get_unique_keys()


sub get_unique_keys
    my $self = shift;
    # None at the Business::Shipping level, so do not check parent.
    my @unique_keys = ();
    return( @unique_keys );

=item * _gen_unique_values()


sub _gen_unique_values
    trace '()';
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    # Now I need to get unique values for all packages.
    my @unique_values;
    foreach my $package ( @{$self->packages()} ) {
        push @unique_values, $package->get_unique_values();
    # We prefer 0 in the key to represent 'undef'
    # clean it all up...
    my @new_unique_values;
    foreach my $value ( @unique_values ) {
        if ( not defined $value ) {
            $value = 0;
        push @new_unique_values, $value;

    return( @new_unique_values );

# Right now, we only support one shipment per rate request, but 
# when that changes, this will be part of the API... or will it?
# I don't think any function should have to know about the "current" 
# shipment -- it should be a function at the Shipment::...() level.
sub current_shipment
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    return $self->shipment;

sub get_total_price { &total_charges; }

=item * $self->calc_debug_string()

Arrange the values of some important variables in a pretty format.
Return a scalar string.


sub calc_debug_string
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $vars_out .= "\nActual values from the rate_request object\n";
    foreach ( qw/ from_country to_country from_zip to_zip weight service / ) {
        my $val = ( $self->can( $_ ) ? $self->$_ : '' ) || '';
        $vars_out .= "\t$_ => \t\t\'" . $val . "\',\n";
    return $vars_out;

=item * $self->display_price_components()

Return formatted string of price component information


sub display_price_components
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    return Data::Dumper::Dumper( $self->price_components ) if $self->price_components;




=head1 AUTHOR

Dan Browning E<lt>F<db@kavod.com>E<gt>, Kavod Technologies, L<http://www.kavod.com>.


Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kavod Technologies, Dan Browning. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE for more info.
