package Business::Shipping::UPS_Offline::Shipment; =head1 NAME Business::Shipping::UPS_Offline::Shipment =head1 VERSION $Rev: 158 $ $Date: 2004-09-09 15:58:17 -0700 (Thu, 09 Sep 2004) $ =head1 METHODS =over 4 =cut $VERSION = do { my $r = q$Rev: 158 $; $r =~ /\d+/; $&; }; use strict; use warnings; use base( 'Business::Shipping::Shipment::UPS' ); use Business::Shipping::Config; use Class::MethodMaker 2.0 [ new => 'new', scalar => [ 'from_state' ], # We need this offline boolean to know if from_state is required. scalar => [ { -static => 1, -default => 'to_residential' }, 'Optional' ], scalar => [ { -static => 1, -default => 'to_residential' }, 'Unique' ], array => [ { -type => 'Business::Shipping::UPS_Offline::Package', -default_ctor => 'new' }, 'packages' ], scalar => [ { -static => 1, -default => 'packages=>Business::Shipping::UPS_Offline::Package' }, 'Has_a' ], ]; =item * Required() from_state only required for Offline international orders. =cut sub Required { return 'service, from_state' if $_[ 0 ]->to_canada; return 'service, from_zip, from_state' if $_[ 0 ]->intl; return 'service, from_zip'; } 1; __END__ =back =head1 AUTHOR Dan Browning E<lt>F<>E<gt>, Kavod Technologies, L<>. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kavod Technologies, Dan Browning. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE for more info. =cut