package Business::Shipping::UPS_Offline::Shipment; =head1 NAME Business::Shipping::UPS_Offline::Shipment =head1 VERSION $Rev: 158 $ =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item * disable_hundredweight( ) If true, don't estimate the hundredweight rate even if it would otherwise be possible. =item * hundredweight_margin( $percent ) If the shipment weight is only $percent (default 10%) higher than the required amount to qualify for hundredweight shipping, then do not calculate hundredweight. This is to guard against the chance that the actual shipment weight turns out to be lower than what is used for estimation, resulting in failed eligibility for hundredweight rates and a much higher rate than estimated. =cut $VERSION = do { my $r = q$Rev: 158 $; $r =~ /\d+/; $&; }; use strict; use warnings; use base( 'Business::Shipping::Shipment::UPS' ); use Business::Shipping::Config; use Business::Shipping::Logging; use Class::MethodMaker 2.0 [ new => 'new', scalar => [ 'from_state' ], scalar => [ { -default => 150 }, 'max_weight' ], scalar => [ 'disable_hundredweight' ], scalar => [ { -default => '10' }, 'hundredweight_margin' ], array => [ { -type => 'Business::Shipping::UPS_Offline::Package', -default_ctor => 'new' }, 'packages' ], ]; sub use_hundred_weight { my ( $self ) = @_; return if $self->disable_hundredweight; if ( @{ $self->packages } > 1 ) { my $hundred_weight_qualification; #my %hundred_weight_info = ( my @airborn_100 = qw/ 1da 1dasaver 2da 2dam /; my @ground_200 = qw/ gndres gndcom 3ds /; my $airborn_min = 100 + ( 100 * $self->hundredweight_margin * 0.01 ); my $ground_min = 200 + ( 100 * $self->hundredweight_margin * 0.01 ); #debug "ground minimum = $ground_min, current weight = " . $self->weight . ", service = " . $self->service; if ( ( grep( $_ eq lc $self->service, @airborn_100 ) and $self->weight > $airborn_min ) or ( grep( $_ eq lc $self->service, @ground_200 ) and $self->weight > $ground_min ) ) { return 1; } } return; } sub is_ground { my ( $self ) = @_; my $is_ground_svc = 0; my @ground_services = ( 'Ground Commercial', 'Ground Residential', 'Ground Hundredweight Service', 'Standard', ); my $ups_service_name = $self->service_name; debug "ups_service_name = '$ups_service_name'"; $is_ground_svc = 1 if grep /${ups_service_name}/i, @ground_services; debug "is_ground_svc = $is_ground_svc"; return $is_ground_svc; } sub get_hundredweight_table { my ( $self, $table ) = @_; # TODO: Need to map the remaining tables. my %table_map = qw/ gndcomm gndcwt gndres gndcwt 1da 1dacwt 2da 2dacwt 3ds 3dscwt /; return $table_map{ $table } || $table; } sub cwt_is_per { my ( $self ) = @_; # TODO: Complete list of services (move to config as well) my @airborn = qw/ 1da 1dasaver 2da 2dam /; my @ground = qw/ gndres gndcom 3ds /; return 'pound' if grep( $_ eq lc $self->service, @airborn ); return 'hundredweight' if grep( $_ eq lc $self->service, @ground ); error "could not determine is_per type. service = " . $self->service; return; } 1; __END__ =back =head1 AUTHOR Dan Browning E<lt>F<>E<gt>, Kavod Technologies, L<>. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kavod Technologies, Dan Browning. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE for more info. =cut