# Business::Shipping::USPS_Online::Tracking - Abstract class for tracking shipments
# $Id: Tracking.pm 214 2005-03-04 17:21:22Z db-ship $
# Copyright (c) 2004 InfoGears Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# Portions Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kavod Technologies, Dan Browning. All rights reserved. 
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE for more info.

=head1 NAME

Business::Shipping::USPS_Online::Tracking - A USPS module for Tracking Packages

See Tracking.pm POD for usage information.

=head2 EXAMPLE

my $results = $tracker->results();

# The results hash will contain this type of information

  # Summary will contain the latest activity entry, a copy of activity->[0]
  summary => { },
  # Activity of the package in transit, newest entries first.
  activity => [
    # Address information of the activity 
    address => {
       city => '...',
       state => '...',
       zip => '...',
       country => '...',
       signedforbyname => '...',

    # Description of activity
    status_description => '...',
    # Date of activity (YYYYMMDD)
    date => '...',
    # Time of activity (HHMMSS)
    time => '...',


Copyright (c) 2004 InfoGears Inc. L<http://www.infogears.com>  All rights reserved.

Portions Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kavod Technologies, Dan Browning. All rights reserved. 

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE for more info.


package Business::Shipping::Tracking::USPS;

$VERSION = do { my $r = q$Rev: 214 $; $r =~ /\d+/; $&; };

use strict;
use warnings;
use base( 'Business::Shipping::Tracking' );
use Business::Shipping::Logging;
use XML::Simple 2.05;
use XML::DOM;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Response;
use Clone;
use Class::MethodMaker 2.0 
      new	=> [ { -hash => 1, -init => 'this_init' }, 'new' ],
      scalar	=> [ 'prod_url' ],
      scalar	=> [ 'test_url' ],
sub this_init
    $_[ 0 ]->prod_url( 'http://production.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll' );
    $_[ 0 ]->test_url( 'http://testing.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPItest.dll' );

# _gen_request_xml()
# Generate the XML document.
sub _gen_request_xml
    trace '()';
    my $self = shift;
    if(!grep { !$self->results_exists($_) } @{$self->tracking_ids}) {
      # All results were found in the cache

    # Note: The XML::Simple hash-tree-based generation method wont work with USPS,
    # because they enforce the order of their parameters (unlike UPS).
    my $trackReqDoc = XML::DOM::Document->new(); 

    my $trackReqEl = $trackReqDoc->createElement('TrackFieldRequest'); 

    $trackReqEl->setAttribute('USERID', $self->user_id() ); 
    $trackReqEl->setAttribute('PASSWORD', $self->password() ); 

    # Could already have some responses cached so don't pull them from the server.

    foreach my $tracking_id (grep { !$self->results_exists($_) } @{$self->tracking_ids}) {
      my $trackIDEl = $trackReqDoc->createElement("TrackID");
      $trackIDEl->setAttribute('ID', $tracking_id);
    my $request_xml = $trackReqDoc->toString();
    # We only do this to provide a pretty, formatted XML doc for the debug. 
    my $request_xml_tree = XML::Simple::XMLin( $request_xml, KeepRoot => 1, ForceArray => 1 );
    # Large debug
    debug3( XML::Simple::XMLout( $request_xml_tree, KeepRoot => 1 ) );
    return ( $request_xml );

sub _gen_url
    trace '()';
    my ( $self ) = shift;
    return( $self->test_mode() ? $self->test_url() : $self->prod_url() );

sub _gen_request
    my ( $self ) = shift;
    trace( 'called' );

    my $request_xml = $self->_gen_request_xml();
    if(!$request_xml) {
      return undef;
    my $request = HTTP::Request->new('POST', $self->_gen_url());

    $request->header( 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
    $request->header( 'content-length' => length( $request_xml ) );

    # This is how USPS slightly varies from Business::Shipping
    my $new_content = 'API=TrackV2' . '&XML=' . $request_xml;
    $request->content( $new_content );
    $request->header( 'content-length' => length( $request->content() ) );
    # Large debug
    debug( 'HTTP Request: ' . $request->as_string() );
    return ( $request );

sub cleanup_xml_hash($) {
  my $hash_ref = shift;

  map { $hash_ref->{$_} = undef; } grep { ref($hash_ref->{$_}) eq 'HASH' && scalar(keys %{$hash_ref->{$_}}) == 0 } keys %$hash_ref;

sub _handle_response
    trace '()';
    my $self = shift;
    my $response_tree = XML::Simple::XMLin( 
        ForceArray => 0, 
        KeepRoot => 1, 
    # TODO: Handle multiple packages errors.
    # (this doesn't seem to handle multiple packagess errors very well)
    if ( $response_tree->{Error} ) {
        my $error = $response_tree->{Error};
        my $error_number         = $error->{Number};
        my $error_source         = $error->{Source};
        my $error_description    = $error->{Description};
        $self->user_error( "$error_source: $error_description ($error_number)" );
        return( undef );
    # This is a "large" debug.
    debug3( 'response = ' . $self->response->content );

    $response_tree = $response_tree->{TrackResponse};

    my $results;

    foreach my $trackInfo (
                   ((ref($response_tree->{TrackInfo}) eq 'ARRAY') ? (@{$response_tree->{TrackInfo}}) : $response_tree->{TrackInfo})
                  ) {
      my $id = $trackInfo->{'ID'};

      if(exists($trackInfo->{'Error'})) {
        $self->results({$id => {
                    error => 1,
                    error_description => $trackInfo->{Error}->{Description},
                    error_source => $trackInfo->{Error}->{Source},
      } else {

        my @activity_array;

        if(ref($trackInfo->{TrackDetail}) eq 'ARRAY') {
          @activity_array = @{$trackInfo->{TrackDetail}};
        } else {
          @activity_array = ($trackInfo->{TrackDetail});

        if(exists($trackInfo->{TrackSummary})) {
          unshift @activity_array, $trackInfo->{TrackSummary};
        my $i = 1;
        my %month_name_hash = map { ($_ => sprintf("%0.2d", $i++)) } qw(January February March April May June July August September October November December);
        my @activity_entries;

        foreach my $activity (@activity_array) {
          my $date = $activity->{EventDate};
          $date =~ s/([A-z]+)\s+(\d+),\s+(\d+)/$3 . $month_name_hash{$1} . sprintf("%0.2d", $2)/e;

          my $time = $activity->{EventTime};
          $time =~ s/(\d+):(\d+)\s+(am|pm)/
        my $h = $1;
        if($3 eq 'pm') {
          $h += 12;
          sprintf("%0.2d", $h) . $2 . "00"/e;

          my $activity_hash = {
                   address => {
                           zip => $activity->{EventZIPCode},
                           state => $activity->{EventState},
                           country => $activity->{EventCountry},
                           city => $activity->{EventCity},
                           signedforbyname => $activity->{Name},
                           company => $activity->{FirmName},
                   date => $date,
                   status_description => $activity->{Event},
                   time => $time,
          push @activity_entries, $activity_hash;

        my $summary;
        if(scalar(@activity_entries) > 0) {
          $summary = Clone::clone($activity_entries[0]);

        my $result = {
              (($summary) ? (summary => $summary) : ()),
              activity => \@activity_entries,


        $self->results($id => $result);

    trace 'returning success';
    return $self->is_success( 1 );

sub gen_unique_key {
  my $self = shift;
  my $id = shift;

  return 'Tracking:USPS:' . $id;
