=head1 NAME


=head1 VERSION

$Rev: 338 $


=head2 Domestic


=head2 International
 Global Express Guaranteed Document Service
 Global Express Guaranteed Non-Document Service
 Global Express Mail (EMS)
 Global Priority Mail - Flat-rate Envelope (Large)
 Global Priority Mail - Flat-rate Envelope (Small)
 Global Priority Mail - Variable Weight (Single)
 Airmail Letter-post
 Airmail Parcel Post
 Economy (Surface) Letter-post
 Economy (Surface) Parcel Post

=head1 METHODS


package Business::Shipping::USPS_Online::RateRequest;

$VERSION = do { my $r = q$Rev: 338 $; $r =~ /\d+/; $&; };

use strict;
use warnings;
use base( 'Business::Shipping::RateRequest::Online' );
use Business::Shipping::Logging;
use Business::Shipping::USPS_Online::Shipment;
use Business::Shipping::USPS_Online::Package;
use XML::Simple 2.05;
use XML::DOM;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Response;

=head2 domestic


use Class::MethodMaker 2.0
      new    => [ { -hash => 1 }, 'new' ],
      scalar => [ { -default => 1 }, 'domestic' ],
      scalar => [ { -default => 'http://production.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll'  }, 'prod_url' ],
      scalar => [ { -default => 'http://testing.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPItest.dll' }, 'test_url' ],
      scalar => [ { -type    => 'Business::Shipping::USPS_Online::Shipment',
                    -default_ctor => 'default_new',
                    -forward => [ 

=head2 Required()

International USPS does not require the service or from_zip parameters, but 
domestic does. 

We use a hand-written "Required()" method for this class, because we require one
of the following: pounds, ounces, or weight.  It doesn't matter which one it is,
but if none of them are defined, then we pick 'weight' to Require.


sub Required
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my @required;
    if ( $self->domestic ) {
        @required = qw/ service from_zip /;
    else {
        @required = ();
    my $need_weight = 1;
    for ( qw/ weight pounds ounces / ) {
        if ( $self->$_ ) {
            $need_weight = 0;
    push @required, 'weight' if $need_weight;
    return ( $self->SUPER::Required, @required );

sub Optional { return ( $_[ 0 ]->SUPER::Optional, qw/ container size machinable mail_type pounds ounces / ); }
# Note that we use 'weight' as the unique value (specified in Parent), 
# which should convert automatically from pounds/ounces during uniqueness
# calculations.
sub Unique   { return ( $_[ 0 ]->SUPER::Unique,   qw/ container size machinable mail_type / ); }    

=head2 _gen_request_xml

Generate the XML document.


sub _gen_request_xml
    trace '()';
    my $self = shift;
    # Note: The XML::Simple hash-tree-based generation method wont work with USPS,
    # because they enforce the order of their parameters (unlike UPS).
    my $rateReqDoc = XML::DOM::Document->new(); 
    my $rateReqEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement( 
        $self->domestic() ? 'RateV2Request' : 'IntlRateRequest' 
    $rateReqEl->setAttribute('USERID', $self->user_id() ); 
    $rateReqEl->setAttribute('PASSWORD', $self->password() ); 
    my $package_count = 0;
    logdie "No packages defined internally." unless ref $self->shipment->packages();
    foreach my $package ( @{ $self->shipment->packages() } ) {

        my $id;
        $id = $package->id();
        $id = $package_count++ unless $id;
        my $packageEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Package'); 
        $packageEl->setAttribute('ID', $id); 

        if ( $self->domestic() ) {
            my $serviceEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Service'); 
            my $serviceText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode( $self->shipment->service() ); 
            my $zipOrigEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('ZipOrigination'); 
            my $zipOrigText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode( $self->shipment->from_zip()); 
            my $zipDestEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('ZipDestination');
            my $zipDestText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode( $self->shipment->to_zip()); 
        my $poundsEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Pounds'); 
        my $poundsText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode( $package->pounds() );
        my $ouncesEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Ounces'); 
        my $ouncesText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode( $package->ounces() ); 
        if ( $self->domestic() ) {
            if ( defined( $package->container() ) ) {
                my $containerEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Container'); 
                my $containerText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode( $package->container() ); 
            my $oversizeEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Size'); 
            my $oversizeText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode( $package->size() ); 
            if( defined( $package->machinable() ) )
                my $machineEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Machinable'); 
                my $machineText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode( $package->machinable() ); 
        else {
            my $mailTypeEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('MailType'); 
            my $mailTypeText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode( $package->mail_type() ); 
            my $countryEl = $rateReqDoc->createElement('Country'); 
            my $countryText = $rateReqDoc->createTextNode( $self->shipment->to_country() ); 
    } #/foreach package
    my $request_xml = $rateReqDoc->toString();
    # We only do this to provide a pretty, formatted XML doc for the debug. 
    my $request_xml_tree = XML::Simple::XMLin( $request_xml, KeepRoot => 1, ForceArray => 1 );
    # Large debug
    debug3( XML::Simple::XMLout( $request_xml_tree, KeepRoot => 1 ) );
    return ( $request_xml );

=head2 _gen_request


sub _gen_request
    my ( $self ) = shift;
    trace( 'called' );
    my $request = $self->SUPER::_gen_request();
    # This is how USPS slightly varies from Business::Shipping
    my $new_content = 'API=' . ( $self->domestic() ? 'RateV2' : 'IntlRate' ) . '&XML=' . $request->content();
    $request->content( $new_content );
    $request->header( 'content-length' => length( $request->content() ) );

    # Large debug
    debug3( 'HTTP Request: ' . $request->as_string() );
    return ( $request );

=head2 _massage_values


sub _massage_values
    my $self = shift;

=head2 _handle_response

=head2 error_details()

See L<Business::Shipping::RateRequest> for full documentation.
Adds the following keys to each error:

 package_id	: The unique package id in which the error occurred
 error_source	: The component that generated the error


sub _handle_response
    trace '()';
    my $self = shift;
    ### Keep the root element, because USPS might 
    ### return an error and 'Error' will be the root element
    my $response_tree = XML::Simple::XMLin( 
        ForceArray => 0, 
        KeepRoot => 1 
    ### But discard the root element if it is RateV2Response
    $response_tree = $response_tree->{RateV2Response} if( exists($response_tree->{RateV2Response}) );
    # Handle errors
    ### Get all errors
    my $errors = [];
    push( @$errors, $response_tree->{Error} ) if( exists($response_tree->{Error}) );
    if( ref $response_tree->{Package} eq 'HASH' )
	if( exists($response_tree->{Package}{Error}) )
	    push( @$errors, $response_tree->{Package}{Error} );
	    $errors->[$#{$errors}]{PackageID} = $response_tree->{Package}{ID};
    elsif( ref $response_tree->{Package} eq 'ARRAY' )
	foreach my $pkg (@{$response_tree->{Package}})
	    if( exists($pkg->{Error}) )
		push( @$errors, $pkg->{Error} );
		$errors->[$#{$errors}]{PackageID} = $pkg->{ID};
    if( @$errors > 0 )
	### Loop through the errors, gathering the details and
	### create a simple error message string
	my (@errorDetails, $errorMsg);
	foreach my $errorHash (@$errors)
	    ### Get some of the error details
	    my $code = $errorHash->{Number};
	    my $error = $errorHash->{Description};
	    my $source = $errorHash->{Source};
	    my $pkg_src = $errorHash->{PackageID};
	    push( @errorDetails, { error_code => $code,
				   error_msg => $error,
				   package_id => $pkg_src,
				   error_source => $source } );
	    if( !defined($errorMsg) && $error )
		$errorMsg = "$source: $error ($code)";
	} # foreach error

	$self->user_error( $errorMsg );
	$self->error_details( @errorDetails );
	return $self->is_success(0);
    } # if errors
    # This is a "large" debug.
    debug3( 'response = ' . $self->response->content );
    my $charges;
    my @services_results = ();    
    # TODO: Get the pricing routines to work for multi-packages (not just
    # the default_package()
    if ( $self->domestic() ) {
        # Domestic *does* tell you the price of all services if you ask for service "ALL"
        # If you ask for a specific service, it still might send more then one price.  
        # For example if you ask for "Flat Rate Box" service, it will send you two prices,
        # one for 'Priority Mail Flat Rate Box (11.25" x 8.75" x 6")' and the other for
        # 'Priority Mail Flat Rate Box (14" x 12" x 3.5")'
        $charges = $response_tree->{ Package }->{ Postage };
        if( defined($charges) )
            $charges = [ $charges ] if( ref $charges ne 'ARRAY' );
            foreach my $chg (@$charges)
            next if( ref $chg ne 'HASH' );
            my $service_hash = {
                code       => undef,
                nick       => undef,
                name       => $chg->{MailService},
                deliv_days => undef,
                deliv_date => undef,
                charges    => $chg->{Rate},
                charges_formatted    => Business::Shipping::Util::currency( {}, $chg->{Rate} ),
                deliv_date_formatted => undef,
            push( @services_results, $service_hash );
    elsif( defined($self->service()) && lc($self->service()) eq 'all' )
        # International *does* tell you the price of all services for each package
        # If caller asked for All services, then lets give them All services.  Will
        # pass back service name as-is.  Let caller try to distinguish it.

        # Set charges to returned services, since charges needs to be set to something
        $charges = $response_tree->{ IntlRateResponse }->{ Package }->{ Service };
        if( defined($charges) )
            $charges = [ $charges ] if( ref $charges ne 'ARRAY' );
            foreach my $service ( @$charges )
                my $service_hash = {
                    code       => undef,
                    nick       => undef,
                    name       => $service->{ SvcDescription },
                    deliv_days => undef,
                    deliv_date => undef,
                    charges    => $service->{ Postage },
                    charges_formatted    => Business::Shipping::Util::currency( {}, $service->{ Postage }, ),
                    deliv_date_formatted => undef,
                push( @services_results, $service_hash );
            } # foreach service
        } # if services defined
    else {
        # International *does* tell you the price of all services for each package
        foreach my $service ( @{ $response_tree->{ IntlRateResponse }->{ Package }->{ Service } } ) {
            debug( "Trying to find a matching service by service description (" . $service->{ SvcDescription } . ")..." );
            debug( "Charges for $service->{SvcDescription} service = " . $service->{Postage} );
            # BUG: you can't check if the service descriptions match, because many countries use
            # different descriptions for the same service.  So we try to match by description
            # *or* by mail_type.  (There are probably many services with the same mail_type, how 
            # do we handle those?  We could just get them based on index number (maybe all "zero" 
            # is the cheapest ground service, or...?
            # TODO: Try searching all of them for a service that matches.  Perhaps we should
            # have a "matching" variable for each service.  Like, "Air" for "Airmail Parcel Post",
            # so that whichever service has "Air" in the description will be used first.
            if ( $self->service() and $self->service() =~ $service->{ SvcDescription } ) {
                $charges = $service->{ 'Postage' };
        if ( ! $charges ) {
            # Couldn't find it by service description, try by mail_type...
            foreach my $service ( @{ $response_tree->{Package}->{Service} } ) {
                debug( "Trying to find a matching service by mail_type..." );
                if    (    $self->mail_type()    and $self->mail_type()    =~ $service->{ MailType }    ) {
                    $charges = $service->{ Postage };
            # Still can't find the right service...
            if ( ! $charges ) {
                my $error_msg = "The requested service (" . ( $self->service() || 'none entered by user' )
                        . ") did not match any services that were available for that country.";
                print STDERR $error_msg;
                $self->user_error( $error_msg );
	if( defined($charges) )
	    my $service_hash = {
		    code       => undef,
		    nick       => undef,
		    name       => undef,
		    deliv_days => undef,
		    deliv_date => undef,
		    charges    => $charges,
		    charges_formatted    => Business::Shipping::Util::currency( {}, $charges ),
		    deliv_date_formatted => undef,
	    push( @services_results, $service_hash );
    if ( ! $charges ) { 
        $self->user_error( 'charges are 0, error out' ); 
        return $self->is_success( 0 );
    debug( 'Setting charges to ' . $charges );
    my $results = [
            name  => $self->shipper() || 'USPS_Online', 
            rates => \@services_results,
    $self->results( $results );
    trace 'returning success';
    return $self->is_success( 1 );

=head2 _domestic_or_intl

Decide if we are domestic or international for this run.


sub _domestic_or_intl
    my $self = shift;
    trace '()';
    if ( $self->shipment->to_country() and $self->shipment->to_country() !~ /(US)|(United States)/) {
        $self->domestic( 0 );
    else {
        $self->domestic( 1 );
    debug( $self->domestic() ? 'Domestic' : 'International' );

=head2 to_residential()

For compatibility with UPS modules.  Always returns 0.


sub to_residential { return 0; }



=head1 AUTHOR

Dan Browning E<lt>F<db@kavod.com>E<gt>, Kavod Technologies, L<http://www.kavod.com>.


Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kavod Technologies, Dan Browning. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE for more info.
