Change log for Perl module MegaDistro
0.02-4 Sun Jan 15 03:55:31 EST 2006
* Fourth release of 0.02
* Altered Changes file to reflect information on a per-release basis
- All previous dependencies on `tar` have now been replaced with
appropriate implementations using Archive::Tar.
0.02-3 Mon Jan 9 00:32:45 EST 2006
- Added this Changes file.
0.02-2 Thu Jan 5 02:40:03 EST 2006
* Second release of 0.02
* MegaDistro::RpmMaker::SpecFile now uses BuildArch again.
- Fixed rpm builing bug; rpm should now build properly,
on any x86-compat system, and on fedora distributions of linux.
0.02-1 Wed Jan 3 23:33:41 EST 2006
- Replaced mkdir -p system calls with File::Path::mkpath,
replaced rm -rf system calls with File::Path::rmtree, and
uses File::Spec::Functions::catdir instead of manual directory
- Cleaned up a bit of the documentation to reflect the changes made.
0.01 Tue Sep 6 22:49:18 EST 2005
- First working version released to CPAN.