1.75 2015-03-08 Add Minix and iOS;
Correct ancient typo in Apple family that no-one
has ever noticed because no-one uses 'classic'
Mac OS;
Various 'kwalitee' improvements from Dale Evans
1.74 2015-03-04 Add Linux::Debian;
Add MacOSX::v10_*;
Add perl 5.6.2 support
all the above thanks to Dale Evans
1.73 2014-08-01 Add support for Android
1.72 2014-04-16 Add support for Bitrig, an OpenBSD fork;
Check $^O case-insensitively as some OSes
aren't particularly consistent
1.71 2013-01-27 Bugfix, better tests for negative assertions,
also from Yanick
1.7 2012-11-20 Add support for negative assertions in
Devel::AssertOS, thanks to Yanick Champoux
1.64 2011-04-25 Add support for GNU/kFreeBSD
1.63 2010-05-29 $^O for VOS is sometimes VOS, sometimes vos;
VOS supports POSIX shell redirections
1.62 2010-05-21 Add OS X 10.5 platform and EBCDIC family
1.61 2009-04-25 Better code coverage in tests;
Fix bug in script - not copying all members of
a family, only those it checked up until the
OS it's running on
1.6 2009-04-21 Only ask to confirm what this platform is in
Makefile.PL if AUTOMATED_TESTING is set;
Add MidnightBSD
1.55 2009-04-16 This time with the damned changes - really
shouldn't be doing releases at 1 am :-)
1.54 2009-04-16 And more irritating little changes, this time
to make tests pass on 5.6.2
1.53 2009-04-15 Grargh! 5.10.0 doesn't fully populate %INC
if a module dies when we use() it. HATE.
So need another way to find the files in the
scripts. Grr. Hate. Kill.
1.52 2009-04-15 Scalar context bug fixed in script, thanks to
Mike Kelly
Tests and misc fixes for script
1.51 2009-04-14 OS "families" can tell you what their members are;
Update Extending.pod to explain that
1.50 2008-11-11 No bugs found in 1.49_01, bumping to 1.50
The "shrill demented choirs of wailing shells"
1.49_01 2008-11-05 add Haiku (thanks to Ingo Weinhold)
BeOS has a POSIXish shell
Makefile.PL can now explain what some of the
OSes and OS families are (thanks to Michael
Schwern for suggesting it)
The "only honest man to ever enter parliament"
1.46 2008-10-27 fix bug on Windows
1.45 2008-10-22 add QNX, QNX::v4, QNX::Neutrino
(thanks to Matt Kraai)
add Realtime family
doco about families
add licence text files
families now use documented interface instead
of embedding $^O values all over the place
1.44 2008-09-26 add D::A::MirOSBSD ($^O eq 'mirbsd')
1.43 2008-03-12 use-devel-assertos now prints some status updates;
Break up 'package Devel::CheckLib' in inc/ so
distributions including it don't get marked
as 'unauthorised'
1.42 2007-11-20 Applied Seth Blumberg's patch to make
list_platforms work on not-Unix;
Documented that ...::OSFeatures::* is reserved;
Added D::A::OSFeatures::POSIXShellRedirection
1.41 2007-11-07 Aaargh, fixed broken Makefile.PL
1.4 2007-11-07 Fix use-devel-assertos to update MANIFEST
1.3 2007-11-07 Support multi-level OSnames
1.2 2007-10-14 Made prompts in Makefile.PL clearer;
Added use-devel-assertos script;
Makefile.PL now requires 5.005 instead of use
1.1 2007-10-04 Oops, forgot to 'use Exporter'!
1.0 2007-10-02 Remove File::Spec::Functions;
Test that we can load the OSes we detected.
This is totally paranoid cos we already
did it in Makefile.PL to detect them, but
mumble mumble case insensitve mumble
0.92 2007-10-01 More portability fixes
0.91 2007-10-01 Fix filesystem portability stuff using 'catdir'
0.9 2007-09-30 First release candidate