Revision history for Excel-Template-XLSX 

v1.0.3  06-Apr-2015
        Fixed t\08-open-output.t to just use a null string

v1.0.2  01-Apr-2015
        Removed CPAN::Uploader from build script
        Fixed t\08-open-output.t  '*' is a valid file name on
        unix based systems.  Test failed.   
        Changed test file to null character \x00invalid

v1.0.1  30-Mar-2015
        Fixed t\08-open-output.t  '*' is a valid file name on
        unix based systems.  Test failed.   
        Changed test file to null character \x00

v1.0.0  26-Mar-2015
        Initial Release of Excel-Template-XLSX to GitHub and CPAN